Andrew it’s always interesting when white people want to question and take a position against an issue that solely affects black people. A simple google search would have elevated your need to send me this ridiculous comment. California’s prison population could not have dropped because of Kamala but it did so in spite of her b/c she refused to release non violent prisoners due to over crowding, instead lamenting that she needed them for free labor. She literally had to be forced to do so.
Any drop in prison population under Kamala Harris’ watch was NOT due to her work or push, in fact it was done by the then Gov Brown, of which she fought vehemently against.
Reforms in California account for much of that drop, as the state has reduced its prison population by about 50,000 following a 2009 federal court order to do so, according to a report by the Public Policy Institute of California.
In November, Californians will vote on Proposition 57, a measure proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown designed to ease the state’s prison overcrowding. It would allow some offenders to be considered for parole earlier than now possible.~Southern California Public Radio (SCPR)