Andy Young’s Atlanta and His Disastrous Words on “Bi-racial” Politics and Atlanta’s Mayors Race…
Andrew Young is the poster child for not knowing when it’s time to leave the stage before the winds of change and historical truths, exposes who you really are. Andy should have long since faded into the ethos of history and allowed a new generation of leaders their chance to affect change and just enjoy the mass amount of wealth that he’s garnered via civil rights and most disturbing, off the backs of poor blacks in both US and Africa. I’m not sure why Andy is continuing to talk about his choice of Keisha Lance Bottoms. People have forgotten, how Andy called Black protesters in Atlanta who were protesting police brutality, “Unlovable Little Brats” in 2016!!! Sounds like a playbook from his friends the Clinton’s, and we wonder why Hillary called Black boys, “Super Predators”.
“These kids are able to show off with no consequences. I just hope they get tired of it,” Young said Sunday, adding that he worried they will “mess up the climate we have taken 50 years to build.”~Andy Young
Andy is only concerned with optics and images that will destroy his and other elite Blacks opportunities to make money. After all, we can’t have negroes marching in the streets of Atlanta (the same way that elevated his career), if we want to be viable for an Amazon, Mercedes Benz, Porsche or other major companies headquarters or operations. We must make sure that these companies know that we’s got our negroes all in line…there will be no protesting, we will not be like St. Louis, Baltimore, our negroes will love their oppression…we’s sick boss!
He has consumed himself with what he calls ‘bi-racial’ politics in Atlanta when what he should be calling it is, ‘The Black Elite & White Elite’ politics in Atlanta, because those are the only people any of these politicians have served over the past 40 plus years in Atlanta. Andy wants us to believe the divide in Atlanta is more about race than it is about economics and the haves & have nots. If it were solely about race and given the fact that we’ve had Black mayors and Black leadership from all top levels of Atlanta’s government for decades, we would not see the abject poverty and economic divide, homelessness and gentrification that is occurring within the poorer Black communities of Atlanta. Areas like Vine City that many have described as looking like a virtual warzone. In an interview a few days ago, the below comments are a few of the statements that Andy decided he needed to add to the already disastrous statements of bi-racial politics he made during the Atlanta Mayors runoff.
“…Frankly, whether you like it or not, and maybe it’s race, but I doubt that any white mayor could have pushed us through the Olympics. I doubt that any white mayor could have built the Mercedes-Benz stadium — or the Georgia Dome, which I helped build. I took a whole lot of cussin’ outs.
“Even our mass transit system probably could not have been built if we had not been black and white together. But it happened to be a Jewish mayor (Sam Massell) that lowered the bus fare from 55 cents to 15 cents for 10 years, that provided the margin of victory. But that was only because he was in active communication with the black leadership…
“If you try to move on and leave anybody behind, you’re going to upset the balance that has made this city work. If you want to go somewhere where it’s all white, go — to St. Louis. Go to Cincinnati. Go to Columbus. Go to Chicago…”
“Things are not all white. And if they’re not all white to some people, they’re not all right. There’s almost….a feeling that because the politics has been run by the minority community — well, you hear the term corruption all the time.
“The assumption is, if black people are making money, they’re doing it illegally. The truth of it is, the money being made by black people and white people for the most part is not coming from taxpayers….” ~Andrew Young
Young does not mention the several federal investigations currently underway at City Hall, but he would probably argue that the probes are incidental to the larger picture he’s attempting to address.~Jim Galloway, AJC
Andy’s comments above in a recent AJC/Politically Georgia article, questioning that had we had a White mayor, Atlanta would never have had an Olympics or the building of their great Mercedes-Benz stadium (the irony of a stadium named for Mercedes-Benz, plopped in one of the poorest areas of Atlanta). Andy is correct on this view because had there been White mayors trying to tear down black monuments, Black historical churches, displacing the homeless and the elderly, Black folk would’ve still been protesting in the streets against them all. Friendship Baptist Church (historical) would never have been swindled out of its worth by Arthur Blank & Kasim Reed, to be moved and replaced for a VIP parking lot for the Mercedes Benz Stadium. Homeless people would not have been rounded up like dogs and placed in jail until the Olympics were over, ensuring that tourists and especially White people, weren’t bothered or feared of Atlanta’s poor.
I’m not sure why Andy is still so unhappy and feeling the need to spew his larcenous words for us all to hear…after all, he got what he wanted, Keisha Lance Bottoms is the new Mayor, she has said her first priority is to build up police force (we got to make sure the gentrifiers are safe, no need to make economics, schools, taxes and homelessness her first priority), her Transition Team Co-Chairs are headed by Larry Gellerstedt (a white man), Chairman of the Board and CEO of Cousin’s Properties, one of the largest White owned construction companies in the South, (not that we don’t have Russell Construction, one of the largest Black owned construction companies in the US…but I digress) and Vicki R. Palmer (a very rich black woman), who is the Executive V.P. of Financial Services & Admin of Coca-Cola Enterprises and also ironically sits on the Andrew Young Foundation’s Board.
So Andy doesn’t have to worry about the future of “bi-racial power sharing” in Atlanta and should be extremely happy because he’s gotten what he wanted, a very rich ‘bi-racial’ team to ensure that status quo remains and the he and other Black elites like him can continue oppressing Atlanta’s poor and using race as a weapon to keep all of them on the Democrats plantation.
Yes, Andy Young; we have a ‘bi-racial’ problem in Atlanta, it’s called money and greed of both Black and White elite…
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach