Bill Cosby, Tom Brokaw, Barack Obama and the Hypocrisy of Liberals!

6 min readApr 29, 2018


Bill Cosby, Tom Brokaw & Barack Obama all walked into a bar…On this past Thursday, Bill Cosby who was lamented as America’s Dad was found guilty on all three assault charges by a Pennsylvania jury. It didn’t take long for racist and black man hater, Gloria Allred and her crew to take to the podium to salivate on their victory (another rich black man down). These types of tactics and outbursts are expected and common place in the liberal minds of white elites as it relates to powerful black men they want destroyed.

However, watching and reading the celebration of black people who chimed in to celebrate was very disappointing. The over resounding issue from most black people was not that he was accused of such horrible crimes against women, but that over the years he dared chastise black people and demand they want better for themselves. Yet this was the same chastising that Obama did anytime he was in front of a black audience, or speaking at all black collegiate institutions.

However, St. Obama, continues to be praised and lauded within the black community when he not only chastised black people ad nauseam, but he even called poor black kids in Baltimore, “thugs”. One could argue that Cosby had the right to chastise us and demand more, he and his wife gave over $100 million dollars to HBCU’s in the 90's, yet Obama was destructive to HBCU’s. It was a known fact that among Washington establishment that Obama didn’t associate with or deal with many black people, if they didn’t have an Ivy League degree.

Powerful Truths from Sinbad on Bill Cosby

NOTE: (Queen Bey, who’s worth way more than Cosby…has given $200K in two installments and people are praising it, while she & JayZ rent yachts that cost more than that per week & the great Oprah chose to build her school in Africa, saying black kids only wanted expensive tennis shoes but she did donate to HBCU’s).

By policy and appointment, President Obama has demonstrated, at best, a low regard for historically black colleges and universities. His office must serve as a bully pulpit on improvement for African-American communities through the institutions best designed to serve them through education, research and outreach. Now is the time for the gap to be closed and for the words of his promise to HBCUs in September 2010 to hold true for black Americans and black colleges nationwide.~ Jarrett L. Carter — Huffington Post

Bill Cosby’s case was fraught with contradictions and questionable moves from the district attorney handling that trial and, with many legal experts predicting that they have a clear path for an appeal. I personally don’t think Cosby will spend a day in prison but his conviction was a must have for the District Attorney & the #MeToo crowd of racist liberals. Racists like Gloria Allred ( FYI: Gloria Allred is a Dem Super Delegate, she will NEVER defend and fight for Bill Clinton’s accusers this way) and the DA who pushed this ‘unprecedented’ case, were not going to rest until they found a way and a ‘victim’ they could use to convict Cosby…they were not going to allow another arrogant nigga like OJ Simpson to walk free. This was clearly the OJ Simpson case in reverse.

Bill Cosby had already paid Constand $3.4 million dollars in a sealed confidential agreement between the two in 2006. A new DA decided that he would overturn the agreement from the previous DA and go after him on criminal charges because this was the only case out of the many that statutes of limitations were not an issue. This should serve as a warning to anyone making supposed sealed agreements with law enforcement, and the very reason black people refuse to snitch or testify for DA’s.

Now fast forward to the reaction of white women feminists and liberals when they heard of their great white father of liberal white supremacy, Tom Brokaw. Over 100 women including: Rachel Maddow, Mika Brzezinski, Mira Shriver, and Andrea Mitchell ; have all stood up in support of Brokaw. They have forgotten their cries that all women should be believed and their cries of #MeToo, because one of their own is accused. They want throw him under a bus because Tom is part of the white supremacist club of rich liberal white men. Tom’s book, ‘The Greatest Generation’ is an nostalgic ode to white men during the era of abject racism, the great depression, lynchings, segregation, the race riots of Detroit…the covert, “Make America Great Again” era for liberals.

What’s even more insulting is Tom Brokaw saying that allegations against him were a: “Drive By Shooting.” Imagine had Trump or a conservative made such a statement, Liberals and their media owners would be protesting in the streets and demanding a retraction, calling him racist for his attempts to shield himself from criticism by using a term that often happens in poor black communities. Liberals have made it clear there are some white men, like Bill Clinton and Tom Brokaw (Ryan Seacrest) who are untouchable and that their mantra of ‘All Women Deserve to Be Heard’ is nothing more than a political talking point for the faux ‘Resistance’ and #MeToo crowd of faux feminists. Tom Brokaw is an indispensable token of faux Liberal Feminism and the #MeToo movement that was really founded for the benefit of rich white women. Brokaw is a valued carrier of the pro Trump hate water for all the sheep to drink.

To be clear, I don’t condone nor ignore anything that Cosby has been accused of but I also don’t believe all of the women who came forth. In a debate this past week about Joy Reid’s pathetic blog posts from 10 years ago, the excuse many used (including arrogant gay elitist fraud, Jonathan Capehart) for her gay bashing rants were that it was a different time. Albeit, rape and gay bashing are two very different things, but the era in which most of the Cosby allegations were alleged, was also a ‘Very Different Time’…the hippy, drug, pill popping era was alive and well (and Hollywood was its ground zero) and like many in the Weinstein case, some women would do anything to be close to power or for an opportunity to stardome. I also found it interesting that no one ever went after Hue Hefner before his death, since one of the then underaged alleged victims claims she was at his Playboy Mansion with Cosby.

Many of these same women/people who are now chiming in against Cosby had no problem voting for and still supporting Bill Clinton, who was also accused of rape and sexual assault from as far back as his days at Oxford. They also didn’t stand with the 13 poor black women who were rapped and brutalized by then Oklahoma cop, Daniel Holtzclaw. There was no ‘Resistance’ or #MeToo for them…liberal media darlings like Rachel Maddow, Mika and the rest of the now #MeToo Resistance crowd, did not stand up for these women (Covert Racism & Classim are to very real and intertwined issues for liberals).

I think Bill Cosby is an ass on many levels but an 80 year old blind man who just recently lost his 44 year old daughter to kidney disease, buried his only son in 1997 after being murdered in an attempted robbery, paid out millions in civil suits, stripped of all of his professional affiliations and honorary degrees, and destroyed in the court of public opinion; has already paid enough. But we know that white people are like rabid dogs when it comes to their blood thirst for justice when black men are involved, they will stop at nothing to make sure that they pay…juxtapose that to some of the families of the 8 slain victims in Charleston, who immediately said they forgave ‘Terrorist’ Dylan Roof.

Lastly, the larger issue is the continued mind control that black people have allowed from liberals, and the ever present danger in ignoring the systemic and racial issues of this case and what that means for black people as a whole when it comes to AmeriKKKa’s supposed ‘Justice’ system for us all (especially those without the means to obtain million dollar lawyers).

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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