Black Liberal Media Journalists and Pundits were NOT Friends of Erica Garner…
I was shocked and saddened to learn of Erica Garner’s health issues and consequently, her untimely death. A beautiful young soul who saw too much of the world’s ugliness and its heavy burdens at an early age, who feared no one, fought tirelessly to avenge her father’s murder, who fought against state sanctioned racism, and systemic oppression of people of color the world over…and most of all, who died too soon.
I know that what I’m about to say will not go over well with many but like Erica, I’ve never been one to mince words or bite my tongue. I’ve been more than alarmed at some of the tweets that I’ve read coming from the official account of Erica Garner’s over the last few days. Let me be clear; I am sure the person who’s behind her account now, is well meaning yet I’m confused how anyone who knows Erica would retweet anything that Joy Reid, Jamil Smith or Eugene Scott has to say now.
I don’t understand the tweet denouncing white journalists an opportunity to speak with him on record about Erica’s life and death (the above tweet from her account speaks volumes to the sheer ignorance of that request), when many black journalists & paid shills for the DNC, like Joy Reid, Capehart, Blow, Eugene Scott, Smith etc., “ALL” worked to silence and discredit her in life. I understand wanting to ensure that Erica’s life is reported and written about by those who will do right by her, but that does not always mean being black. All of these people were black journalists but they were also gatekeepers for white supremacy, Hillary Clinton and the DNC.
Erica was outspoken against Obama, Holder and later Lynch, on their lies and gatekeeping of white supremacy. These people occupied the highest branches of government/power in the US (if not the world), and they were all black. She spoke in depth on how she was mistreated and attempted to be used, while attending a town hall for Obama. Being Black does not guarantee truth or support for black people or black issues. Having said that, should we also discount white journalists like Rolling Stones, Matt Taibbi who has always fought to expose systemic racism and injustice, and who also authored, “I Can’t Breathe”?
I’m confused how one can denounce white journo’s but also retweet white journo’s or those who work for white owned media…there are white journalists who genuinely supported Erica, and there are many black journalists who worked for the system to silence her.
Eugene Scott, is a shill for the democratic party, the very people that Erica fought daily against. Scott’s self-serving tweets below about Erica are an insult, when CNN, WAPO or any of his other paid liberal white supremacist media that he worked for, never gave a damn about her. There are many black journalists who did major harm to Erica Garner in life, and they should not be given an opportunity to elevate themselves in her death. Where was Eugene Scott and Joy Reid, Capehart, Blow etc., when Erica was being silenced by CNN and MSNBC? Ask yourself was Erica Garner, ever a guest on Joy Reid’s show or a CNN panelist, did she become rich and famous from her father’s murder, as frauds like Deray and crew did from the murder of Mike Brown? Now ask yourself why not?
The tweet below is who Erica was and it had nothing to do with white journalists vs. black, she exposed the hypocrisy of liberal media and they hated her for it and worked to silence her, and this included EVERY black shill who worked for them.
Erica was relentless in her critique of the Democratic Party, the very party that people like Eugene and Joy are paid to defend.
It’s interesting in the tweet below that this person doesn’t get that Melissa Harris Perry isn’t talking about white journo’s but ALL journalists and especially the many black journalists who are known gatekeepers for white supremacy and the media they work for.
I sincerely believe that this person cares deeply for Erica but someone really needs to talk to him about what he’s tweeting and who he’s retweeting. There are many white allies who loved and/or supported Erica in life, who should not be dismissed in her death to give opportunities to black journo’s who did nothing to support her in life.
Lastly, I had no idea that Erica was a foster kid, as I am sure many others did not as well. I’m concerned that making Erica’s death about Foster kids (even for now) when her fight has been about police sanctioned murders/brutality and systemic racism, will only give fuel to those who justify her father's murder…and who will paint him as an unfit father as an excuse to justify his murder etc.,. I also don’t think that information about who was at her side, should be something being exposed on social media.
Again, this is not to add any further pain to a grieving family but to hopefully expose the fraud of black liberal media pundits, who did nothing to support Erica in life, yet now capitalizing on her in death. I am hoping that someone with real public relations experience, will work with her friend to help protect the legacy of Erica Garner, that’s far more important than whether a journalists is black or white. I am sure this person loves Erica but I pray that they take a step back from tweeting and retweeting from her account, and not give audience/ammunition to those who have cared nothing about her because they just happen to be black.
In a correction to all that I’ve said above; I now believe the person running Erica Garner’s Official Account is a self serving fraud. Why is this person retweeting Karine Jean-Pierre, an establishment democrat, who worked for Obama, has him plastered in her bio & header…a woman who is often seen on CNN, professing her love for Hillary and Dem Establishment…the very people who tried to silence Erica Garner in life???? Erica made it clear of her disdain for Obama and the democratic party. Not only is the person continuing to use her account in ways that I am sure Erica would not agree, he is also doing so for attention and self promotion. There is no reason to be on her account ranting about being included in a thread. There is no need for the tweet below, this person could simply not have notifications on if he’s grieving as he says and more importantly, he could and should not be on her account at all.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach