“Black” Men Are Always the Fall Guys for White Liberals & Their “Chosen” House Negroes.
It’s both alarming and shameful that so many of our black women have bought into the scam of white feminists and the Democratic Party’s game of blaming all that ills our communities and the Democratic Party, at the feet of black men. It was shameful watching the online exchange on yesterday between two of white liberals token gatekeepers attacking Massachusetts Bishop Talbert Swan over his defense of black men who question Kamala Harris’ record.
Note: Bishop Swan just happens to oversee 40 churches across the USA and Canada (in a denomination) with a combined national church membership of over 6.5M…a long time Civil Rights Activists and Greater Springfield Massachusetts NAACP President. However per one particular house negro (Jason Johnson), Bishop Swan is a “clout chaser”, hmmmm.
MSNBC puppet/pundant, Zerlina Maxwell decided that she would go on national TV and proclaim that “certain” men of color (code for black men) were against Kamala Harris because of her white husband, and they should in turn seek therapy and not take that out at the ballet box.
Zerlina nor any of her sycophant followers will admit that it has long been stated that had Obama not been married to Michelle but a white woman instead, black women would never have voted for him.
The public televised bashing of black men by Zerlina Maxwell was rightfully challenged by Bishop Swan. The charged phrase “Birtherism” was also used to trigger black people into being angry and brainwashed into defending Harris…but anyone with an ounce of political savvy, knows that birtherism was coined by Hillary Clinton strategist Mark Penn.
It wasn’t long after Bishop Swan gave his reply that another token and owned negro gatekeeper, Jason Johnson jumped in to save the day.
It’s laughable that Johnson says Bishop Swan doesn’t have the backbone to address Zerlina directly, when in fact that’s exactly what he did. It’s also laughable that Johnson and Maxwell feel that he had no right to comment on a public forum.
This clever scheme, is merely a way to denounce and drown out any criticism of Kamala’s horrible record against black men and black women as AG of California. Symone Sanders has tried to do similar with an attack against Luke Campbell before Biden offered her a check to be his gatekeeper.
The pattern here is how democrats use black women to decry sexism, patriarchy or toxic masculinity to attack black men for being smart enough to not be tokens to their establishment agendas. When Hillary lost it was the fault of black men for not ignoring her racist history of Super Predators and more. When R. Kelly’s predatory life was being revisited, it was black men who were at fault for his crimes…never mind the mothers who were complicit in giving their daughters to him, or the millions of black women who flocked to his concerts praying at his feet. When Doug Jones won, black men were attacked for not voting in lockstep with black women even though they voted at 93%. When Stacey Abrams lost black men were once again accused of not towing the line…and the list goes on and on. Interesting that none of these people ever take into account the countless numbers of black men who live with the scarlet letter of being a felon and who in many states are not able to vote. It’s also interesting that the very people who created the laws to ensure their incarceration, now want to give their right to vote back to them so that they can in turn vote for them.
CNN stated in the article below that black women made up 17% of the votes and black men made up 13% of those who voted for Doug Jones…it goes on to state that black women voted 98% and black men voted 93%, yet black men have still being accused by black cable news talking heads like Maxwell and Johnson for not giving all of their votes, their first born and their lives to Jones and the Democratic Party. Pathetically, even after they all fell in line, Jones had to be forced to hire a black person on his staff and has since voted repeatedly for policies in favor of the Trump administration. Let’s not forget that poor blacks in Alabama are suffering with a third world disease called hookworm.
However, what’s even more disturbing is that no one ever discusses how black men are never lauded unless they can be used when murdered or attacked by police. The democrats push policies for every group with the exception of black men, unless you count mass incarceration. White women, white working class (white men), LGBTQRST…, Jews, Immigrants, black women etc., but never anything that speaks to the plight of black men. White liberals love ranting about the pay inequality for black women by comparing them to the pay rates of white men, but cleverly leaves out the fact that black women and black men make less than white women. This clever game of pretending to lift up black women, is nothing more than a rouse to use black women for votes on issues that place white women in elevated positions of power. All while they also work across the isles to ensure that black men are erased from black communities with impunity.
Zerlina wasn’t finished, how dare the Bishop (another online blue check verified account) not fall in line with her propaganda and/or slander. She had to ensure to entertain her simpleminded minions with a petty and childish video to try and insult Bishop Swan by calling him Hotep…yet had he rightfully replied and called her a bedwench, she and her minions would have called for his banning.
Walk with me for a moment…white women/liberals successfully convinced black women that black men are the face of all of their problems. They then ensured to elevate them as the bread winners, college degrees, while enslaving black men with mass incarceration. They convinced them that if it were not for those abusive black patriarchal men, that their lives would be better. All of this while going home to their gated and comfy communities with their rich white husbands at night. Once they successfully removed the black male from the homes of black families, incarcerated them at levels greater than all women incarcerated worldwide; they then moved to put women like Maxwell, Rye, Reid, Sanders, Packnett and the likes in positions to push their anti black male agendas further and to control the votes of unsuspecting and an unsophisticated black voting populous.
These women are the gatekeepers (firewalls) for liberals white supremacy. They are given access solely because they are willing to denounce and attack black men for a living and elevate the white supremacist agendas of white liberals. The tweet below should tell you all that you need to know about Zerlina the gatekeeper and her white liberal followers agendas as it relates to black men. Her silence against her “lil white minions” horrific words speaks volumes.
It wasn’t long before Brittany Packnett joined in on the fray, Packnett famously known for being personally elevated because of Ferguson and Mike Brown…yet never doing a damn thing for those there in need, and always seen online joining in on any topic that attacks black men. These people love to cry victim and call others trolls when anyone doesn’t jump on board to keep their butter biscuits coming. However, by reading the Bishops timeline and the replies from Maxwell, Johnson and Packnett it’s clear who the real trolls are.
After carefully crafting this brainwashing agenda over decades of white feminism, a new era of black women eagerly joined on board pushing any anti-black male stance that white liberals coined for them. Black women like Maxwell who gladly took their butter biscuits to keep black people enslaved to the democrats racist agendas. Never mind the fact that while all of this was occurring, white women were cleverly calculating how they were going to make themselves a protected class and use black women to do it.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach