Cardi B is just as bigoted as Tomi Lahren, and neither deserves praise or defending…
Black people love the distractions and ignorance of bullying others when it’s against those we don’t like, no matter who’s behind it. We have jumped in to defend the FBI, all because they were anti-Trump, we’ve lauded racists like McCain & Bush, all because they were anti-Trump. Cardi B. is no shero and definitely not anyone who should be looked up to as credible or respected in any way.
The enemy of your enemy does not a friend make….
It amazes me how we allow people to be lauded for attacking the lowest hanging fruits, it’s easy to be tough and bad when it’s against someone undeniably bigoted like Tomi Lahren. Interestingly, Cardi B., is no different than Tomi Lahren when it comes to how she sees black people and Haitians.
Cardi B has been supposedly protesting for illegals/migrants rights, and claiming that Trump is being racist to want to build a wall to keep them out. The question should be asked where has Cardi B’s voice been as the Dominican Republic (Cardi is Dominican) erased over 200,000 citizens of their citizenship, for the crime of their skin tone being too black?
Cardi comes from a culture of people that disavows darker skinned black people and lauds those who look like her or closer to white. Less we forget that just a few years ago, she was accused herself of attacking dark skinned black women and calling them roaches.
Cardi first jumped into the political foray of faux woke celebrities, when she refused to perform in this years Super Bowl in support of Colin Kaepernick. She then does a video mocking Trump and viola she’s the 2nd coming to Mother Teresa.
However, she seems to have no problem in profiting from their most prestigious half time commercial advertisement with Pepsi. She’s also said to be performing at events leading up to the Super Bowl with Bruno Mars and other celebrities who will be bombarding Atlanta to not support the Super Bowl **wink**. This entire Super Bowl protest is becoming a big scam and joke, if any of these people were against it then none of them should be coming to Atlanta to celebrate, whether at the game or not.
Cardi isn’t woke and deserves no accolades simply because she found another golden goose of bullshit to pedal for her own profit and unwarranted attention. She is just another invention of white liberals that dictate who and what we are suppose to celebrate. Everything I’ve ever heard her say and do was utter trash, yet she has been elevated to stardom by those in power. This is who and what they want our children to idolize.
“I’m just talking about this caricature of a black woman that black women themselves would never be able to get away with. Like if my spelling and grammar was that bad, I’d be canceled. If Nicki Minaj spelled like that, they’d just be ragging on her all day.”~Azaleia Banks
While all of you are praising Cardi, The King Center was awarding racist John McCain & the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute rescinded an award for Angela Davis because of Jewish outcry. Keep the distractions of emotional bullshit going, it’s worked so well for black people.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑