Christine Blasey-Ford, is no Anita Hill. #BrettKavanaugh #MeToo
Itâs amazing watching the last minute antics of desperate Democrats, feminists and the out of control #MeToo movements. If only these same white women defended a Black woman by the name of Anita Hill with the same ferocity, as they show now for that of an unfounded 36 year old story by Blasey-Ford. The difference with this story is that Blasey-Fordâs story of Kavanaugh (18 year old kid) on its face is laughable and merits no consideration, yet Anita Hillâs account of events were current at the time and relevant to who Clarence Thomas was as a man and employer, if true.
These same women ignored how Anita Hill was treated and are pretending there is some moral equivalency when it was Democrats lead by Joe Biden who ultimately betrayed her. These same women have attacked every woman who has ever accused Bill Clinton of anything. These same women are also demanding that Blasey-Ford be acknowledged as Dr. Ford, yet not once have this demand ever been made of Dr. Anita Hill when discussing her.
Not only did a former US Senator and V.P. of USA, named Joe Biden help destroy Anita Hillâs story along with senate democrats, but Hillary Clinton and the Resistance, years later hired the GOP operative who helped destroy her. David Brock, who famously coined the phrase, âA little bit slutty, and a little bit nuttyâ, in reference to Anita Hill, now works for the Resistance and has made a fortune on pro Hillary and their faux feminists propaganda. The democrats had full control of the Senate, lead by Joe Biden but they helped destroy Anita Hill and ultimately confirmed Clarence Thomas.
Letâs also be reminded that the lawyer who is now representing Blasey-Ford also represented Bill Clinton against Paula Jones. However, she said then that what Paula Jones was alleging had no merit worthy of a court trial. Debra Katz has a history of representing left wing White men of sexual abuse allegations and denying their roles.
The below is an excerpt from an interview in 1998 from Bill Clintonâs lawyer, Debra Katz (in her own words) as sheâs interviewed on NBC about Paula Jonesâ case against Clinton.
Yet, this same woman wants to crucify a man about an alleged incident that happened when he was 17 years oldâŚan incident that the accuser alleges happened when they both were drunk, that she canât remember the date, or place of the alleged assault, and that although he attempted to force himself on her, that nothing ultimately happened because she was able to get away. The fact that Blasey-Fordâs entire online footprint, including her prestigious white privileged, high school year book were also scrubbed, should be of concern for all. Have no fear, nothing is ever truly erased from the internet.
Clearly Blasey-Ford has received bad lawyering from her lawyer Debra Katz, based on her own words re: Paula Jones in 1998.
Also, any grown woman who claims that theyâre having issues about a 36 year old incident described as she has, is/was clearly mentally ill in the first place. There is a big difference in accusations against that of young 17 year old boy and that of a grown man that Clarence Thomas was accused of. Yet, Blasey-Ford is a Ph.D Clinical Psychologists, who is saying sheâs mentally traumatized by something that occurred almost 40 years ago, but sheâs sane enough to have a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology? Maybe itâs her job as a professor and her ability to carry out that job, that needs to be scrutinized.
I donât know anyone who can stand up to the type of scrutiny being alleged against Kavanaugh. If this is the bar being set as it relates to anyone in politics then democrats can get ready for touchy Joe Biden and many other men to be destroyed. If we are going to attack Kavanaugh as being part of the âboys will be boysâ club, then surely White women should be viewed as âgirls will be girls clubâ with their history of false accusations. My point is that White men & White women have historyâs of predatory and lying when it comes to sex crimes. A point that the #MeToo movement has failed to address. There are no clean hands when it comes to sexual predatory behavior on either side, but using unfounded accusations from almost 40 years ago to destroy someoneâs character, is beyond laughable.
What weâre seeing is powerful White women fighting to remove their Patriarchal White male power figures to be replaced with that of rich White womenâs Matriarchy and nothing more. The story thatâs being told is that Blasey-Ford did not want Senator Feinstein to expose this story, then the question is why send her the letter if that was not her intent.
The #MeToo movement, like the Resistance, is nothing more than the push for rich White women to control the power and implement the same discrimination and control over those whom they feel are less than desirable and not part of the 1%. The Resistance is ultimately a remaking of the PUMAâs. A group of disgruntled racist White women and feminists who were angry that Obama beat Hillary, and voted for McCain/Palin because of it.
These women never got over Obama beating their Queen and they damn sure were not going to accept someone like Donald Trump beating her at her/their own game. They have now revamped their con game to pretend to be the voice for Womenâs Rights, when in essence theyâre nothing more than a cleverly disguised group of racist rich White women using womenâs rights as a cover. The Deplorables they speak of will be poor people who makeup Blacks, Whites and minorities that their hero, Margaret Sanger pushed to eradicate with Planned Parenthood. This disturbing billboard should be a wakeup call for Black people on the true intent of who and what Planned Parenthood is really about. Using the trendy new phrase #TrustBlackWomen is an insult.
Itâs also troubling that the only issue democrats believe is the most important Judicial decision of the century, is Roe vs. Wade. A decision that impacts Black women (aborting babies) more than any other group. A decision that even the woman who brought the suit, years later recanted her decision and hated that she did so.
Democrats have never fought for anything that did not benefit White people as whole. LGBTQ was pushed because of its impact for the rich White gay communities. You should ask yourselves why is it that they really fight for Roe vs. Wade, a decision that ultimately eradicates Black babies more than any other group. Voters Rights was largely ignored during Obamaâs two terms in office and democrats show no inclination to care one way or the other when theyâre getting Black votes for freeâŚnot to many the purging of votes they also do when they fear theyâre about to lose to a non establishment democrat.
Democrats want you to believe that Roe vs. Wade is about womenâs health, yet theyâve all refused to fight for Healthcare for All.
It is also interesting that Obamacare supposedly removed the need for Planned Parenthood, but they will never allow that to be discussed. Democrats and their over the top push for PP (Roe vs. Wade) may finally get me to vote Republican in November.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach