Christopher, you sound like a damn fool and I mean that from the depths of my soul…you have lost your mind, that’s ‘IF’ you ever had one…and yes, I’m making this about you. That ‘CHILD’ did NOT cause his death. Reports have shown that the officer fired w/in seconds of pulling up to the child not to mention the 911 operator who did NOT tell the officer that the caller also said that the person w/the FAKE gun could possibly be a child. The last time I checked children play with FAKE guns and pretend to be cops and robbers on playgrounds. REPEAT: The officer’s were NEVER told by the 911 operator that it was possibly a FAKE gun or that the person was a child. Tamir was shot within 2 seconds of the police arriving on the scene.
In an interview with Cuyahoga County sheriff’s detectives, Hollinger said that as a 911 call taker, she was responsible for retrieving “pertinent information” about each call — such as the caller’s name, address, location, and reason for the call — and assigning the call a priority level. But Hollinger refused to answer investigators’ questions about why she did not input the details about Rice’s suspected age and possibly fake gun, per the advice of her union-provided attorney.
You can go to hell with your disgusting comments that Tamir played a part in his own MURDER. It amazes me how cops can apprehend mass murderers who are white but anytime a black person is involved the immediate response is the death penalty. And as far as my not living in Cleveland, apparently if you were living there it had to be under a rock (crack rock) because information is global...and you clearly were watching Fox News or some other right wing news for information. I do research for a living…I don’t need to live in a place to know that a child being gunned down like a wild animal in this manner by police, isn’t problematic.