CNN is NOT Reporting on Nationwide #PrisonStrike But Mocks Kim Kardashian for Another Meeting With Trump…

4 min readSep 5, 2018


The Liberals favorite news network, CNN does not think that the nationwide prison strike that’s currently underway has been worthy of discussions or articles. Yet, one of its male reporters thought mocking Kim Kardashian with misogynistic and disturbing comments because she is meeting with Trump again on another prisoners release, was somehow appropriate. It’s also telling that Kim meeting with Trump to discuss the release of a young Black man is fodder for liberals.

Kim Kardashian with Marie Johnson former Life Prisoner

Nothing about the below tweet is funny and had it been written by another network and White party, liberals and feminists would be crying racism and misogyny. Also what’s even more disturbing are the many replies by White liberals, mocking and taunting her but not one decrying their support for prison reform and the need for it….I guess if it’s not about ICE then talking about anything to do with the justice system is out for Liberals. This is more proof that democrats will go against anything that Trump supports, even if it’s something positive. It’s also more proof of the derangement and mind control of liberals, that outlets like CNN & MSNBC have successfully driven into them.

The woman above in a reply to Brian, claims to be in shock of how this is happening and how low our nation has gone. This is the problem that I am having with the brainwashing and lies being pedaled by the democratic party, they have somehow convinced people to believe that America was great before Trump. That racism didn’t start until he got into office. That Trump was the first and only president who came into office with a trail of legal issues surrounding him. That he was the first and only president who has been accused by women of inappropriate behavior. That he was the first and only president who made SCOTUS appointments under multiple investigations. That he was the first and only president that was impeached…oops my bad, I was going down Bill Clinton’s memory lane. To be clear, I am not a fan of Trump’s and nor am I defending him; I am clearly pointing out the hypocrisy and shear stupidity in the rants of these people who claim to be democrats and are all about integrity, justice and equality.

As Brian and CNN mock Kim Kardashian, they did story after story, and a plethora of television interviews with trashy Stormy Daniels. They’ve even elevated her to the poster woman of the democrats resistance. Their favorite Hillary shill, Anna Wintour is featuring her and her pathetic lawyer in Octobers Vogue. Yet, this guy has the audacity to mock Kim Kardashian, and his brain dead followers have the nerve to think that the nation has sunk to a new low because of it.

I guess Stormy Daniels being paraded around as a hero is powerful for liberals, yet none of these same people ever gave an innocent young intern working in the White House, even an ounce of the same respect. It’s also too bad that David Brock (liberals new it boy), didn’t coin the phrase, “A little bit slutty, and a little bit nutty”, in reference to Stormy, instead that was how he characterized Anita Hill when she was up against Clarence Thomas. It definitely would apply now to Daniels…but then again, Black women are only used for votes for democrats, and an intelligent Black woman and professor like Anita Hill would never be given the same respect as a known wh@re like Stormy Daniels. That’s the only reason a gay White man can label a Black woman in such a derogatory manner and then later be lifted up as a hero to the liberals #Resistance. I also don’t care nor do I need to hear about his apology.

How long will Black people allow White liberals to use us for their agendas, then mock the very issues that we are in need of support? How long will we allow networks like CNN and MSNBC to ignore our issues, paint our children as Antifa thugs, deny coverage or support of things that are about us, all while ranting daily about Trump, the very man that they elevated into power?

Lastly, for those of you who don’t know anything about the nationwide prison strike that’s occurring now, I suggest you read up on this young man’s article and follow him on his podcast…because waiting on CNN, MSNBC or FOX to talk about it, will never happen.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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