Comey’s FBI and Lynch knew about Larry Nasser and did NOTHING…
In an era where liberals are holding the FBI up as beacons of truth and honesty, where a former FBI Director (Comey) spends his days tweeting in defense of said agency; I find it reprehensible that no one is calling them out on the recent revelations that Comey’s FBI knew about the allegations of rape and sexual assaults of young US olympians & athletes, at the hands of the depraved Dr. Larry Nasser, and did nothing for more than a year.
Reading a report from the New York Times that the FBI knew about Nasser allegations from three separate gymnist in 2015 and took a year to even interview two of the victims, is sickening. Meanwhile, Nassar continued abusing at least 40 gymnasts and athletes until his crimes were revealed by the Indianapolis Star in September 2016.
The Times also spoke to retired FBI agent W. Jay Abbott, who was in charge of the Indianapolis bureau at the time when the FBI became aware of the allegations against Nassar. He recalled his agents being shown instructional videos that Nassar had filmed, in which the doctor could be seen working the private areas of gymnasts with an ungloved hand.
All of this while the DOJ and FBI played politics with the justice system when it came to holding big banks accountable and not to mention the recent scandals of corruption, but now these same agencies want people to see them as credible and under unwaranted attacks. The entire justice system is flawed and in need of a complete overhaul from the top down. African Americans of all people should know this all too well, and never allow this partisan rhetoric and 24/7 liberal media brainwashing to erase these facts.
Less we forget that one of Loretta Lynch’s first big agenda’s as Attorney General in 2015 was to bring down the ‘notorious’ (snark) FIFA heads. Amazing, Lynch the woman who thought going after big banks for robbing American citizens was a bridge too far, yet going after alleged money laundering and corruption within FIFA (that has nothing to do with everyday Americans, despite Lynch’s laughable everyday lives quotes below) was somehow a game changer for US citizens and worthy of international acclaim! What’s even more disturbing is learning now, that they knew about Nasser and did NOTHING….It’s too bad that Lynch didn’t think investigating the US Olympics & Gymnastics Committees were worthy, as was the unprecedented case against FIFA…God forbid, the US is ever held accountable on the world stages for any of its crimes.
America’s Imperialsim knows no bounds and neither are the faces used to continue it…nor the countless victims who are scapegoated and/or destroyed in its wake (some of his victims were as young as 6yrs old).
“FIFA is supposed to help (children) by building soccer fields and maintaining them,” Lynch said. “So when you have an organization that has so much power, so many resources … and to have them just abdicate that responsibility for personal gain to me, was and is, particularly galling.(The FIFA) case to me also symbolizes what we do at DOJ (Department of Justice), which is we look at things that affect peoples’ everyday lives,” Lynch said. “Soccer is the most popular game in the world.”
Lastly, much faux acclaim by controlled liberal media, was given to Lynch after her swift actions against FIFA, branding her as a woman taking charge…imagine the warranted acclaim from every day citizens who’s lives have been irrevocably affected had she really done something that wasn’t politically motivated, like taken down the likes of Larry Nasser, along with corrupt Wall Street bankers! Lynch has pledged that the all important FIFA probe will continue long after she leaves office.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach