First of all, thank you for responding; I will attempt to respond in kind…please take the time to read the entire response and the links that are included.
- I repeat I am not a defender nor supporter of Candace (she has indeed said some outrageous and very wrong things when it comes to racism and police murders) but I find your hatred of her misplaced. She has NOT written one law, or pushed any that did anything to alter your life in anyway…nor any other black person…but guess who has, both Crime Bill Joe Biden and top cop Kamala Harris. There is NOTHING Candace has done or said that even compares to anything these two monsters have done to black people and most of which has systemic affects for generations to come. How black ppl can get so wound up by someone who does not impact their lives in anyway simply because their political views are different than theirs, but then vote for the very people that mandate and pedal racist laws against them is mind blowing to me. Dems played on black pain and fear of the police with mass protests orchestrated by George Sorors around the world last year during BLM with cries of defund the police, end the police etc, only to have these same black people look like utter fools by giving them the man who wrote the crime bill and that inept VP Kamala, who called herself a Top Cop. Political Emotional Voting is killing black people, it’s not the right wingers that are shooting up black communities every day. It’s not right wingers that your grandparents fear when walking down the streets in their own neighborhoods, it’s not the right wingers that have gentrified your neighborhoods pretending to be your friends only to drive up taxes and run generations of black families out, it’s not the right wingers who run all of these major black cities and school boards, it’s not right wingers who have failed little black boys and girls in every metric educationally.
- As far as voting rights are concerned, that is one the biggest fraud ever played on black people. Voting is the least of our worries, access to economics, proper education, crime are destroying us. Dems use this voting right bill as a canard to keep black ppl docile and angry and riled up to the polls. Stacey Abrams is the biggest scammer of them all…she has gotten filthy rich off of pedaling this lie. When Stacey was here in the GA State Senate she worked with GOP and especially then republican Gov Nathan Deal, she helped him strip funding that went to poor black kids for college and also helped redistrict areas in Gwinnett County to help the GOP (the irony is that Holder’s DOJ sued her and GOP for this but it was all swept under the rug when she was made the face of voter suppression)…Stacey was also over the State Black Caucus and they all despised her b/c she refused to ever touch anything that was specifically about black people and blackmailed anyone with refusing to help their districts needs if they went against her. Ask me how I know…one of my best friends from college is a GA State senator. It was widely known that none of the black legislature liked or even supported Stacey during her primary for Gov. They all actually supported the white woman named Stacey that was running against her. You will never find anything from Stacey speaking vehemently about issues that affect Black people other than her scam voting rights gimmick. Look up Stacey Abrams and BLM, Floyd, Taylor, Rice, Brown etc..she will NEVER speak on those issues. Again, misplaced anger and political emotional voting is killing us. Lastly, how is requiring an ID racist to vote but not requiring one to get the vaccine or show proof that you are vaccinated isn’t also racist or a burden to black ppl as Stacey and dems have alleged? I don’t know any black person who doesn’t have an ID, you can’t legally do anything in this country without an ID, an ID is required for welfare, social security, medicaid/medicare, pharmacy and more…how black ppl allow us to be used this way is shameful and embarrassing. Dems always prey on our emotions and use us to further whatever agenda they are pedaling. It’s beyond insulting. It’s clear why they don’t ID’s…look at the border.
- As for the vaccine, I can’t wrap my head around how black ppl can march, protest and rant against America and how systemically racist it is…yet the moment America tells them to take an untested shot they now want to believe that that same govt cares. I am not anti-vax, I am anti untested vax and especially against a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate. I don’t have pre-existing conditions, my health is amazing for my age (I’m told this repeatedly when going to the doctor). I think people should be allowed to do as they feel is best for them. My not getting a shot does not and should not have anything to do with someone who does…lastly, it’s strange to me that ONLY pushing these shots instead of pushes for a healthier lifestyle when they claim that the obese and ppl with heart conditions are some of the most vulnerable is criminal to me. Instead they had ppl sit dormant for a year, pushing netflix and other streaming services while you sat on your sofa and destroyed what little immunity and health that you had, they then offered you free Krispy Kreme and fried chicken to take it. Joy Reid isn’t the only person over the top and lying abt this vaccine the entire mainstream media is brainwashing constituents on both sides…and this is my favorite.
- So again I ask why are you so emotionally wound up abt Candace who has no impact on your life but also question me on why I don’t support the democrat party? Before I answer that question, first know that question was offensive and I actually don’t owe you an endgame about me life or choices…your question should be what is the endgame for black people who have laid prostrate on the alter of the democrat party and given them their first born and lives to vote for them only to be once again played for fools. Asian hate crime was the biggest joke ever when Asian’s are some of the most racist group of ppl towards black ppl ppl 2nd only to white ppl b/c they don’t make up the majority. You can’t walk into an Asian facility and not be racially profiled. Biden’s son Hunter is an absolute crackhead junky but instead of him getting the horrific unjust punishment that so many black men and women have received b/c of Biden’s crime bill (where he bragged on the senate floor of harsher sentences for black ppl), Hunter was allowed to continue to profit and of late painting pathetic art and money laundering it to some of his secret friends for hundreds of thousands of dollars…but I digress. You clearly don’t know anything about me nor have followed me at all. I stopped bowing to democrats in 2014 when I finally realized that Obama was a fraud and the party was simply using black ppl for votes. I spent the last few years that I was on twitter dragging the democrat party and Hillary Clinton in support of Sanders (another mistake on my part). This mindset that black ppl have that if you speak against their God’s the democrats then you must be for republicans is sad. Both parties are trash but I find what Democrats have done to black ppl reprehensible since we have foolishly given our votes to them in mass and oftentimes without anything in return…only to have them ignore us or turn on us once elected. So Corey, what endgame do I need? What type of question is that? The endgame should be what every black community around this country ask themselves b/c the future is looking bleak.
- Lastly, you totally ignored the entire premise of my article b/c of your hatred for Candace…this blind emotional reaction is what democrats live for and use to keep black ppl controlled and manipulated. Anytime a black republican is used or speaks, it’s like waving a ball in front of a cat for distraction. We should all be able to vote and support who and what we choose…it’s really pathetic and mind blowing that we are the only group of people who give their votes to one party w/o fail and then also refuse to look at the destruction of our communities lead by those we have given our votes to…instead we always fall to the boogeyman on the right to justify all that ails us, instead of truthfully looking in the mirror…when trash like Cardi B & Lil NasX are used to promote their garbage to our children by dems and even Cardi’s ignorant and unintelligent and perhaps illiterate ass, is given a voice to interview presidential candidates it showed just what a joke the dem party really thinks of black ppl…sadly you really should be asking yourself and all black ppl who still are shamelessly defending the dems after all they’ve done to destroy us, what is your/their endgame..
FYI: Please note that my reply was not in any way meant to be offensive towards you. I think it’s shameful that so many black families have lost family and friends over this past year due to politics…while white people on both sides of the isles laugh all the way to the bank. It’s one big party (the 1%) and it’s really time that we started to remember that…notice how they rehabilitate white politicians and celebs no matter what they do…John McCain died a hero and lauded by both sides, McCain the racist who refused to sign a bill and acknowledge MLK holiday for his state until it became a financial threat from major sports leagues boycotts. George Bush and how the Obama’s rehabilitated him…racist Ana Navarro (the View) who’s father was a contra guerilla that raped, robbed and mass killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Nicaraguan’s under Bush CIA directive…and later was given a pass to move his family to Miami where she was given a position within the Jeb Bush campaign etc…and where her family now lives lavishly after robbing that country blind, Nicole Wallace one of the biggest racist and hypocrite shams on MSNBC, who was and still is a staunch racist GOP operative, but is elevated b/c she hates Trump not b/c she hates the GOP (black ppl have refused to grasp the difference, it’s the old Rep guard that she loves and protects still)…the list goes on.