Corey please don’t take this the wrong way but I personally don’t give a damn about either Jussie or Bow Wow (and especially not his relationship, although I agree with you on all of that nonsense). As for Jussie, you’re entitled to believe what you wish but I only stated FACTS that have been provided and nothing more. Jussie is not some innocent choir boy who preaches love and peace all day. He constantly has been shown to tweet inappropriate things to Trump (whether we like him or not), that had you or I said the same about a white liberal politician, we would be banned. I believe wholeheartedly that Jussie made the entire story up and so have many others over the course of Trump’s election, who are fueled by the mind control of liberal media who are the real hate machine & propaganda authors. Jussie is only going to set back Jussie, he like the rest of black hollywood, are only fighting to maintain their own place and wealth. Celebrities like Smollett don’t stand for average black people, he’s part of the resistance crowd that’s fighting to further liberals own form or racism and white supremacy. I’m not falling for the scam/lie.