Dear Black People, What has Having a Black Face in Office Done for “African Americans”? #CongressionalBlackCaucus #PrimariesSoWhite
The recent headlines and hashtag #PrimariesSoWhite, crying about not having a “black” face in the so-called top tier of democrats primaries, is both laughable and embarrassing.
It’s pathetic that black voters are still this naive, controlled and ill informed when it comes to voting and how to effectively utilize their voting power (what little is left). All it takes is for the coordinated effort of the well oiled resistance media of liberal news orgs and online paid black sycophants like Angela Rye, Zerlina Maxwell, Jason Johnson, Bakari Sellers, Joy Reed, Van Jones, April Ryan etc., and Hollyweird celebrities who are paid to pedal liberals agendas, to all simultaneously push something so pathetic as #PrimariesSoWhite, for Black people to all get riled up because they know that Black people are easily controlled by emotions and constant rants of racism.
Van Jones known for his constant pandering and inconsistent views, had the audacity to compare Kamala to Shirley Chisholm (it must be the Jamaican Ancestry, because politically she is “NO” Shirley Chisholm). Van, the man who supposedly fights for prison reform and against the laws that created Mass Incarceration, is now lauding the very woman who fought to uphold those very laws. Not to mention the insult of calling her an African American.
Next we have an entire black caucus who spends their days protesting and pushing bills for everyone and everything but Black people. John Lewis is nothing more than a puppet and caricature of the civil rights icon he was once lauded to be. The democrats bring him out whenever there is a social issue they need him to pedal, that’s about anyone or anything other than the lives of African Americans. How are those black faces working out for African Americans? We had a 1/2 black President who like Kamala the cop, made it clear that he was not the president of black people and in no way was he going to work on issues that were “specifically” for Black people. How did that work out for African America?
Kamala made it clear in the video clip below, without a shadow of a doubt that she was not going to do anything specifically for black people.
NEWSFLASH: Kamala Harris had not been a “top-tier” candidate since Tulsi (a woman of color by the way), rightfully destroyed her in the debates, and exposed the corrupt fraud that she was for all to see. Kamala also doesn’t claim being black until it politically benefits her.
What’s even more insulting is how quickly black women jumped to blame black men for Kamala’s demise, instead of the white woman and former campaign staffer, who wrote a scathing story in both liberal New York Times and Washington Posts.
No their good Becky couldn’t be at fault for exposing Kamala’s horribly ran campaign and nor her own horrible career as a prosecutor. Kamala could not be held accountable for her own failure and inconsistent messaging to the American people on what her plans were and how she was different than the other candidates vying for their votes.
This reminds me of the pathetic Gabrielle Union uproar, where black women came for Terry Crews (no sympathy) for not standing up for Gabby but were all silent on Julian Houff the white woman who was fired along with Gabby. Houff immediately said she disagreed with Gabby and had a wonderful experience with NBC. Amazing with all of the white Hollywood Celebs who defended Gabby and attacked Cowell and NBC, not one of them came for their good Becky Julian, because white women will never destroy their own…I digress.
The truth is that Kamala had been “given” every position she’s had and she thought this time would be no different. It was clear to anyone paying attention that once Kamala was removed from the protection of the California machine, she was merely an empty suit. She went from pathetic pandering and praising to fictional Wakanda, to hot sauce and bogus soul food cooking, to Cardi B and Tupac (only a non black person would have to work this hard to pander to black people). It was also laughable that black men are being blamed for Kamala’s demise, when in fact had it not been for a married black man named Willie Brown, there would never have been a Kamala Harris.
However, per usual black men are always the escape clause for toxic black women firewalls and gatekeepers for the Democrat Party.
What’s ironic to me is that black women claim to be the backbone of the democrat party (with black people at only 13% of population, that’s a little laughable but I will play along) and always at the ready to give their first born as a sacrificial lamb as proof of their undying loyalty; yet they were not held accountable for obviously not backing Kamala🤔. So rather than black women who claim to “own” the Democrat Party, being honest about why Kamala lost, they are now all coming out accusing black people of being mindless dumb asses who only vote the way Massa whitey tells them to.
I have seen several black women and men who represent the Democratic Party who have been speaking since yesterday blaming the enslavement of black thought by Democrat Party and white people. I’ve been saying for several years now that black people need to ditch the democrat plantation stronghold on their voices and votes.
However, if anyone ever confronts them on it, and stated it this way, they would scream in denial and hurl constant words of Coon or Russian Bots…and Jemele Hill is one of the absolute worst and should have clearly stayed in sports. Per Jemele, black women and sold out black pundits like her, black people are only lauded when they tow the line for their groupthink and pathetic agendas. The reality is the democrat party needs someone to blame, they don’t want black folk mad and angry that Ms. Kamala is no longer in the race because keeping us tied to their plantation is their only chance of winning and guess who the obvious culprits are (that’s until they finalize allowing illegals to vote in national elections as they have in San Francisco in some state races, then black folk will no longer be of use)?
Jemele is sounding like Candace Owens, isn’t she and her group saying the very same thing when it comes to how black democrats vote🤔 in lockstep with the party establishment or the way white liberals tell them to? Jemele and others are clearly stating that black people are slaves to white democrats, and vote the way they are told, the very things that Candace speaks about daily. Isn’t black people bragging about being firewalls for Democrats the same thing she’s now complaining about? Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bakari Sellers, dem establishment and others have bragged about the so-called black firewall in south Carolina. So now it’s a problem?
Kamala had an entire boule of the black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha behind her, she was the supposed heir-apparent to the Obama Wall Street corporate funding machine, her entire team was made up of HIllary staffers (but that tells you how out of touch she was, Hillary lost), a white Jewish wealthy husband, the California political machine, darling of liberal media and the firewall of black women, but it’s black mens misogyny and racism that stopped her campaign?
Note: Al SharpTONGUE is a paid mouthpiece for white liberals white supremacy and nothing that spews from his mouth should be viewed as credible.
As it relates to #PrimariesSoWhite, there are still two black candidates and two people of color still in the race, but don’t let that stop the ignorance.
- Tulsi Gabbard
- Andrew Yang
- Cory Booker
- Deval Patrick
So to my fellow African Americans, stop being tools for white liberals agendas and used to push their asinine tropes of racism and gender bias, when they’re nothing more than smoke screens for their own bias, racism and hidden agendas. Every election year when they can’t have their way, it is always black men or black people’s faults for their loss. It’s never the faults of their overpaid rich white staff, or their obnoxious and out of touch candidates.
Currently in Georgia, there is an African American female by the name of Maya Dillard-Smith who is running for US Senate; she has been basically told that she will not get democrats support because Stacey Abrams is their only black woman (owned and controlled investment for any major seats in Georgia) that they will support for US Senate. Not to mention, Stacey is busy now reaping her rewards for being a good little negro and carrying white liberals water.
Now you know why she was fighting so hard to stop the boycott of Hollywood after Georgia’s controversial abortion bill was passed. Not to mention the sheer irony of DNC hosting their recent debate at Tyler Perry’s movie studio after decrying all of Hollywood should boycott the state. Stacey is as a big of a fraud as Obama was, and will do nothing for black people…she proved that while serving in Georgia’s Senate, and it’s the very reason she has become the chosen negro for liberals agendas. Stacey worked in lockstep with the then republican governor, to make it harder for poor black children to obtain college scholarships, she also worked with the same governor to help redraw black districts to favor republicans. Everything about her was manufactured and planned, all the way down to her US Supreme Court Judge sister who was appointed by Obama, being part of the constant bogus lawsuits she and her team of white liberals were filing.
Meanwhile, they are aggressively backing their white boy failed candidate, Jon Ossoff because we know that democrats will never allow the “powerful” US Senate to look like the very black and not so powerful, US House of Representatives. So if you want someone black and female to put your votes behind, you should be demanding that Maya Dillard-Smith has a viable chance at being the next US Senator from Georgia and the first African American and descendant of slaves to represent the Deep South.
All anyone had to do was look at the staff of each candidate to see who was really running the show. Kamala’s entire team was made up of white people, and no matter how people feel about Bernie Sanders, at least he has a black woman Nina Turner (the real Shirley Chisholm) who is the constant face of his campaign. I also know that not only will Nina be a prominent voice for the poor and working class in a Sanders administration, she will more importantly to me be a prominent and outspoken voice for issues that affect African Americans.
Lastly, the reality is that Kamala was never “white” enough (though she tried) to be the first female POTUS; the white liberal establishment and the so-called resistance, were never going to allow a non white woman to be president before their chosen Queen Hillary. All the hoopla around Kamala was nothing more than the clever games that white liberals play as they laugh all the way back to their lilly white gated communities or the gentrified black cities they now occupy. At least now, .000000000000.10000098th% Native Elizabeth Warren can utilize her whiteness as a plus, the same way she bogusly claimed being a Native American in the past.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑