Democratic Party is showing its Racist Roots towards Black Women & Women of Color…#WomensMarch
It’s amazing that the DNC has chosen to remove its support of the Women's March because its Chair’s, Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, will not denounce NOI’s Minister Lewis Farrakhan, even though Tamika has made it clear that she does not support his language.
Tamika & Linda have defended a plethora of attacks over the last few months specifically as it relates to Min Farrakhan. Meghan McCain, who’s racist father fought vehemently against the Civil Rights Act, and to his death refused to apologize for his decisions; had the audacity to attack Tamika and praise the DNC’s decision to no longer support the Women’s March. So now Meghan McCain is white liberals new shero, the online praising of her is laughable. I’m still waiting on Meghan to denounce her dad’s horrible and racist policies and actions…you know something that really had an impact and destroyed lives, not just someone’s words who holds no political position.
This is the very reason that I refused to be a part of the national and global white women’s pussy hat march after Hillary’s loss. These women were not in solidarity with black women nor women of color, their march was only for and about white women. White feminists like Sarah Silverman purposely tried to gaslight and lie about what Tamika stated on the View, when asked about her beliefs and support of the Minister. She made it very clear that her praise for Minister Farrakhan was due to his support and fight for black people and the black community as a whole. Clearly anti-semitism and racism are not equal in the eyes of white liberals. It’s okay for them to praise and embrace known racists and war criminals but black people be damned if we choose who are heroes and sheroes are.
Black people for decades have allowed white liberals to dictate to us who our leaders and associates should be or else they will no longer support (wink) us. However, they can support and whitewash racists like, Robert “KKK” Byrd, Henry Kissinger, Madeline Albright, John McCain, George Bush & Bush Jr., Benjamin Netanyahu, Bill and Hillary Clinton, the FBI (enemy of all black people), and any other questionable and racist white person no matter their crimes against black and brown people the world over.
- Hillary Clinton upon the death of Robert “KKK” Byrd, praised him as an American Original and a Mentor…let that sink in.
- John McCain opposed the MLK Holiday until he was forced by Sports leagues and no longer had a choice, as well as all other states had signed on. McCain was adamant until his death that his decades of fighting against the Civil Rights Bill was warranted because he did not believe in its tenets.
- Henry Kissinger, a known racist war criminal who was praised and even awarded by Obama because we know that the real threat to America isn’t Russia but Israel and if all black people and politicians don’t bow to them you will quickly get the Cynthia McKinney treatment.
- Madeline Albright, a racist who laughed and bragged of killing over 500K innocent Iraqi children, is praised by white feminists, Hillary and the dem party.
- George Bush Sr., who died without anyone from the supposed #MeToo movement taking him to task for his alleged sexual assaults. Mastermind behind the Crime Bill that Bill Clinton pushed on his behalf. Former CIA Director who did unspeakable acts of terror the world over but died a hero to both GOP & Dems.
- George Bush who’s crimes against the world should never be forgotten no matter how much candy he passes to Michelle Obama.
- The Clinton’s singlehandedly, erased generations of black men with Mass Incarceration, destroyed the lives of black families for generations with their Super Predator Crime Bill and more.
- White liberals raised millions of dollars for two very wealthy fired FBI agents while poor black people have had to beg for a few dollars just to bury their sons and daughters after they’re murdered by the police.
All of these people unlike Minister Louis Farrakhan, have/had political power and have bombed, mass murdered, pushed unprovoked wars, profited from the enslavement of black and brown people, and more…yet democrats have not denounced them, instead they’ve stood in unison with their support of these racist and war criminals.
I have yet to see anyone from the Nation of Islam bomb a Synagogue, but I’ve seen over the years many white men who have. All of this anger and talk about Min. Farrakhan who holds no political power nor belongs to any political party, is a bigger issue of the Zionist control in America. It’s not Russia that we need to fear, it’s Israel and AIPAC’s hold over our politicians and corporations in America. It wasn’t enough that Jews were recently behind the rescinding of an award for Angela Davis by the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute…stating they decided against giving her the award after protest from the Jewish community. All of this as Chuck Schumer & Kirsten Gillibrand covertly push a bill along with the GOP to make it crime to condemn or boycott Israel over their apartheid against Palestinians, while mainstream media distracts us with Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump, Trump, Trump 24/8 every day. It always amazes me how Democrats and GOP can always come together in support of anything related to Israel but when it comes to the civil rights and humanity of black people, there’s always a problem.
Finally, to my black sisters now you know what the DNC actually thinks of you and your support. You are slaves to the party, your only need and use is your vote and support of their agendas, you have no free will of thought, you are not allowed to support black leaders that they don’t otherwise approve first. Now sit back and watch to see if your favorite loud mouth Auntie Maxine, Indian American Kamala Harris, Angela Rye, Symone Sanders, out right fraud Joy Reid, April Ryan or any of the other loud mouth black female talking heads; will stand in solidarity against the DNC and in support of Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour and the Women’s March. However, we all know that answer is probably never (they paychecks depends on it), especially since none of them defended Marc Lamont Hill being fired by CNN because he dared defend Palestinians.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach