Democrats Fight for “FREE STUFF” for Undocumented Immigrants but Not US Citizens!
Over the last few days the resounding words coming from the Democrat establishment is that nothing is free and that Bernie Sanders’ plans are pie in the sky (per Joe Biden). However, over the past several years democrats from state houses, governors to the senate; have all worked tirelessly to ensure that undocumented immigrants (illegals) are afforded “free stuff”.
The below comment was John Lewis’ response when fighting for a bill to allow undocumented immigrants access to government funded education, aka “free stuff” when it comes to US Citizens.
“We should be making it easier, not harder, for people who have the desire to pursue an education to get one. People who are informed are better participants in any society where they live. They tend to instill the value of education in their children and help create a more enlightened world. I am proud to introduce this bill with my colleague Rep. Gallego as a way to open the doors of opportunity for young immigrant students.” ~Cong. John Lewis
However when it came time for John Lewis to tow the line for his corporate owners and democrat establishments agenda to stop Bernie Sanders, his free college plan for US Citizens invoked an entirely different response from Lewis.
“I think it’s the wrong message to send to any group. There’s not anything free in America. We all have to pay for something. Education is not free. Health care is not free. Food is not free. Water is not free. I think it’s very misleading to say to the American people, we’re going to give you something free.” ~Cong. John Lewis
Lewis says it’s the wrong message for Sanders to say to the “American” people that we’re going to give you something for free. Yet Lewis and democrats have no problem sounding the alarm across the world to illegals that they can freely come to America, break laws to get here, be protected by their sanctuary cities, obtain driver’s licenses to vote in their city elections, have babies for free (aka anchor babies), get healthcare for free, get free housing, all while leaving America’s poor laying on the sidewalks and underpasses of this country.
Many of you will purposely read this as an attack on undocumented immigrants, however this is an attack on the fraud and hypocrisy of the Democratic Party. If you’re offended by the truth then you’re purposely burying your head in the sand and deserve the politics that you will undoubtedly get if you continue to allow democrats to get away with their blatant lies and corruption. The Democratic Party has spent billions fighting for and implementing plans to support undocumented immigrants, this isn’t because they care about them, it’s only because it’s a wedge issue with Republicans, and because they are looking for a new voting block.
As all of you should know by now, Obama was called the Deporter in Chief because of his unprecedented deportation of illegal immigrants. Obama also had many kids in cages, but liberal media nor liberal supporters want to admit that fact.
Democrats know that they literally own the black vote, nothing was more shameful and eye opening than the pathetic display we saw with black voters in South Carolina’s primary on Super Tuesday. Democrats also know that there are many of us who are waking up and demanding something for our votes, but before they give anything tangible to black people; they have decided to fight for the new negroes on the block…the undocumented. The undocumented and/or hispanic vote is made up of both liberal and conservative ideology and they vote accordingly; unlike black people who have allowed democrats to fearmonger them into voting blue no matter who and getting nothing in return.
What is even more shameful is that democrats have bought into democrats fearmongering of Trump and that beating Trump is the only thing that matters in 2020. However beating Trump should be the last thing that black people care about. We have had Trumps for president the entire history of this country and that includes Obama. The only difference is that with Trump you can see and hear him coming, but with all others they quietly destroy and attack.
White liberals prefer the subdued tones of quiet racism that doesn’t unveil the truths of what this country was built on and continues to stand on to this day. As long as they can pretend that racism doesn’t exist they are fine, but someone like Trump makes them uncomfortable in their self righteous bubbles…and let’s be clear they don’t disagree with Trump, they just loathe his tone. If they disagreed with Trump they would never be in bed with Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg is Trump on steroids, and without the loud and uncouth rhetoric. Bloomberg is also more dangerous than Trump could ever be.
We have heard a lot over the last several days that America doesn’t want a woman for president, or minorities after the democrats are left with two old white men as candidates. However, the insulting part about that is that it’s the Democratic Party’s constituents who have rejected all of the other candidates, making that clarification only serves as a means for democrats a pass.
Clearly Democrats are not ready for anyone from these groups to be president instead of blaming America. When Warren says sexism is the reason she was not nominated, she is implying that it’s because of republicans but the last I checked, it’s democrats (and the DNC) who denounced her and refused to support her. This same mental gymnastics was levied about Kamala Harris. It would appear to me that perhaps the democrats need to do some soul searching because the quiet racism and sexism that’s being loudly ignored within their own constituency and party, seems to be the real problem and reason why they are left with two white men as candidates.
After all, everyone knows that it was liberal white women who voted in mass to elect Trump for president in 2016.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑