Democrats & Liberal Media are Using LIES of Racism in FLA Gov’s Race…

3 min readAug 30, 2018


If only the Democrat Party actually fought against real racism, rather than use the emotions of Black people to control votes via false cries of it. There was NOTHING about what Ron DeSantis said regarding, ‘Monkeying Around’ that had anything to do with race. If it’s more insulting that had democrats been that insulted and concerned by the use of monkey’s to insult a person of color the way they have now or with Roseanne, they would not have ignored John McCain’s use of the word when attacking a sitting president in Iran.

I don’t live in Florida nor do I know anything about his platform. However, he is a Trump loyalist so I’m sure we have many differences. Having said that, there are many high profile democrats who have used the same phrase. The below tweets and video’s show a plethora of democrats (including Bernie Sanders, John Kerry, Bill Nelson, KKK Robert Byrd & even Barack Obama) using that very same phrase. Obama even stated in 2008, that both parties have ‘Monkied Around’ with elections.

These people are looking to fuel a race war and the more people that are seen in the streets fighting racist taunts and words, the more liberals can waive the anti-Trump and racist mantra to try and win elections. Jeffrey Toobin (CNN Analyst), had the audacity to say the other day that Antifa was an ALL Black and that’s the only reason they are disliked by Trump and his followers.

Actually, Antifa is an ALL white liberal ‘Sorors’ funded group, that’s paid to ignite violence with the Alt-Right/White Nationalists groups who show up to protest their supposed quest for relevance and power. The below image was taken from the mugshots of Antifa members who were arrested in Charlottesville.

It’s time that Black people stop allowing democrats and liberal media to manipulate and control us via our emotional & systemic trauma of racism. What we must demand is real policies, not political games.

We must ask why were there no democrats or national liberal media, who stood with or reported on the #PrisonStrike that went on across the country this week. We must ask why are democrats ignoring the cries of police reform for Black people, but now campaigning on an end to ICE.

It’s really interesting to watch the manifestation of the ‘Resistance’ of the democrats. They are not the party I once believed in.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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