Dems Believe that Black Youth Are So Dumb, that ALL it Takes Is A Celebrity, NO POLICIES…

5 min readNov 5, 2018


The onslaught of celebrities showing up for Andrew Gillum and Stacey Abrams is beyond insulting. It’s 2016 all over again, Gillum with his slick talk and quick wit with FBI investigations floating in the air, Abrams with her sob story on being this poor average Black woman who can’t pay her bills, while she vacations in Martha’s Vineyard and parties with Gayle King. Hillary had Beyonce, hot-sauce in her purse, Mary J. Blige singing to her, Oprah demanding that we simply vote for her and not worry about our personal feelings about her because we don’t have to take her home with us, along with every celebrity in Hollywood ramming Hillary down our throats…and Dems are doing the very same things again with the mid-terms.

It’s pathetic that Andrew Gillum had no problem attending a Jewish event wearing a traditional cap, yet I’m still waiting on an image of him or any democrat to be dressed in Muslim garb while meeting the Muslim community.

Black people have allowed themselves to be manipulated and controlled by the White Supremacy of the Democrat Party. We have allowed them to choose who represents and speaks for us. All of this while Democrats trigger Black people with voter suppression in Georgia, it amazes me how Black people have completely forgot how Democrats suppressed & purged votes in 2016 for Hillary.

I’ve seen Black people all across the country post tweets in their anger of this “horrible and racist man” running against Stacey Abrams in Georgia. How dare he suppress and purge votes, Democrats would never do such a thing. The brainwashing is at an all time high, Black people are being manipulated daily via liberal news outlets like CNN, MSNBC and via 24/8 celebrity input and TV shows. I thought Lucy McBath airing TV commercials about her sons murder as a voting prop was bad but this billboard using Trayvon is beyond tacky and insulting.

It’s also interesting that Rhianna (not a US born Citizen) who is constantly high, half naked, is lauded for her opinion on the Florida governors race. What does her opinion or any other celebrity have to do with average American’s issues? What policies did these celebrities push during the 8 years that Obama was in office to help poor Blacks across America? The only changes that Black communities saw over the 8 years of Obama, was the gentrification and erasure of Black spaces. Stacey Abrams worked with the republican governor (while leading the state House of Representatives) on a bill that destroyed the ability for poor kids to obtain free scholarships via GA’s Hope Scholarship program. I am told by current members of Georgia’s Congressional Black Caucus that she ruled with an iron fist, and dared anyone to go against her or she would ensure that their constituents needs were denied. Voting for politicians because they are Black has done nothing for African Americans for decades, the entire Congressional Black Caucus is a cesspool owned by the Dem establishment and big donors. Every Black city around this country is lead by a Black person, and EVERY Black community is in utter destruction.

The vote shaming that Black politicians and Black celebrities are using to guilt Black people into voting is laughable. Oprah and Obama ranting about not voting being an insult to our ancestors. Newsflash: My ancestors did not die for me to give away my votes to the Democratic Party so that corrupt politicians can stay in power to further white supremacy in Blackface or with a D behind their names.

It’s also really insulting and shameful all of the money that rich white male billionaires are spending to control who wins these elections, yet it’s white men that Democrats claim are the anti-Christ.

Billionaires George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer have put millions into both Abrams and Gillum campaigns, and Black people will get the same shaft they got when we all ran to vote for Obama. These people can never fight for you or your issues because they are now owned by the people who fund them, no different than Obama was and still is.

If only these men and celebrities fought this hard against the homelessness crisis we see in democrat controlled states like California, New York. People like Soros, Steyer, Gates, Buffett and others could end the homeless crisis and other systemic issues with a drop of pen, but they won’t because that’s not their agenda or goal. Instead they’re fighting over Prop C and how much of their corporate taxpayer monies should go towards helping the poor. The same people who claim they’re against all of Trump and GOP’s tax bills that go towards corporations. Even the great liberal Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO) is refusing to back Prop C to help the homeless crisis in San Francisco.

Obama being out on a campaign trail in a midterm election this way is unprecedented for a former president, and it’s not because he cares about the direction of the country as he calls it, but that the people who own him want their monies worth after they lost in 2016. You don’t walk out of the White House worth over $50 million dollars, with millions more in waiting simply because you’re beloved. Obama & Hillary have a debt to repay for all the monies that they amassed with promises of ROI after her rigged win.

Lastly, history tells us that when the Europeans landed in this country, all they had to do was give the Natives liquor and smallpox infested blankets to conquer them. Today they’re using Black celebrities to manipulate and control Black people into voting for these corrupt politicians in Blackface. The desired end result is no different, to manipulate, control and ultimately exterminate. #SuperPredator #MassIncarceration

FYI: I don’t expect this article to get any traction, along with so many of my articles of late because it’s clear that liberals and their tech giant friends, have shadowbanned and/or silenced anyone who doesn’t support their agenda.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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