Don’t PRETEND Outrage that the Cop Who Murdered Tamir Rice Got A New Job…

5 min readOct 9, 2018


I am more than angered that Black celebrities and others who sat silent for the last few years that Tamir Rice was murdered or shall I say, executed on a playground, are now pretending they’re in shock and awe that his executioner is getting a new job. Black celebrities didn’t come out to support or fight for Tamir as they did for Trayvon or others. You should ask yourselves why Jay Z thought it was noble to do a movie about Trayvon’s murder, but we should all know it’s easy to go after racist like Zimmerman but they will never really go after the system that ultimately owns them. Or should we ask ourselves why someone like Spike Lee took money from NYPD to do a PSA to make police look kinder and gentler. Or why Spike Lee wore a jersey asking for God to Protect Robert Mueller (former head of the FBI) from Trump.

These people are all owned and controlled, and their very agendas are to ensure that we all stay angered and ready to fight on the Democratic Party’s plantation.

I’ve often wondered how Trayvon’s mother and the rest of the so-called Mothers of the Movement, had no problem campaigning for Hillary Clinton, a woman who’s words of ‘Super Predator’ is what racist like George Zimmerman saw when looking at Trayvon, or what police saw when looking at Eric Garner selling loosies on a NY street corner, or what a cop saw when looking at Sandra Bland, daring to comply to his racist requests, or what racist Michael Dunn saw when looking at a group of young boys sitting in a car playing loud music, before he opened fire and killing Jordan Davis (sadly Lucy McBath campaigned for Hillary and Dems but now can’t even get an endorsement from Obama in her bid for GA’s 6th Congressional seat), or what Michael Brown’s executioner really saw when he saw a young black teen with his hands up.

Mothers of the Movement

What would make those women decide that they would sell their sons and daughters memories to the same system that brought them all to their deaths? I’ve often wondered…but more than that I’ve wondered why there was not the same amount of outrage, when a beautiful little 12 year old Black boy was gunned down on a playground…a space where children should be allowed to play without fear. I’ve often wondered why Lebron James a man who’s done so much for Black youth in Ohio, chose to ignore this senseless murder of Tamir Rice. His unbelievable response below was disturbing, but that’s what happens when you don’t have the final rights to your own voice or activism.

James said he was slow to react to the news because he was not informed on all the details pertaining to the case, but activists have started a social media campaign calling for James to sit out games in protest of the grand jury decision.

The only answer to all of these questions and facts, are that all of these people are controlled by the very people they claim to be against. Tamir’s mother shunned the Democratic Party and refused to play their game and be used by them. She refused to be used for Black votes, while nothing changed to end the systemic violence and murders of our sons and daughters. I have much love and respect for her. She is the ONLY Mother of any movement that matters to me.

In an essay for Medium, Samaria Rice said that she hasn’t encountered a politician who has taken steps to ensure that these types of police killings don’t happen any more.

“While I’ve continued to push my state’s officials towards real changes, several presidential candidates have said my son’s name in their mouth, using his death as an example of what shouldn’t happen in America,” she wrote. “Twelve-year-old children should never be murdered for playing in a park. But not a single politician — local, state or federal — has taken action to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”~Samaria Rice

It’s very clear that all of these people get their marching orders from the liberal elites and if they want national recognition and/or celebrity they had better do as they say. All of these celebrities both Black and White, who have been working tirelessly to tell you your world is being threatened and you better vote for democrats; it’s not your world that’s being threatened, it’s theirs. We have lived in this same racist country for 400 years and nothing has changed because of the election of Trump, not to mention that we have given our votes away to the Democratic Party for over 40 years and gotten nothing in return but a failed educational system, mass incarceration and economic injustice. Black people are told via liberal controlled media what to be mad at and who to protest for or against. We are told who our leaders are and who we had better vote for or else…the constant rage machine is as old as time but for whatever reasons we continue to fall in line. Someone made a great example for me today, Hollywood washed up celebrities are now being given new casting jobs of endless protests and 24/7 social media outrage.

However, none of the big name celebrities who are always seen protesting everything Trump, have offered to give up their wealth, their white husbands, or privilege, but they all gladly go home to their gated communities with their rich white husbands or wives, quietly closing their doors as they count all the money they’ve made under the Trump administrations tax policies and their newfound resistance paychecks. None of these people shed a tear for Tamir, many gave hundreds of thousands of dollars within hours in support of a gorilla that was taken down in OH, but wouldn’t give a dime to help bury a young black boy gunned down on a playground…but no worries, my vagina (Roe vs. Wade) is the real issue and threat as a Black woman/mother.

None of us really have to wonder about any of The things I’ve expressed; we all know why Tamir’s murder was ignored and we all know why the Mothers of the Movement were given prime billing…one refused to sell the memory of her son to the highest bidders and the others were ready and willing to line their pockets. Erica Garner went to her death talking about this hypocrisy, even going against her own grandmother to do so.

So, don’t feign outrage that a cop who murdered a young 12 year old boy is walking free and gainfully employed again, save your outrage for those who sat silent when it happened, and against the party who has been actively raising millions of dollars and lauding the police for the last year.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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