Fed Judge Appointed by Obama, Rules “Again” in Stacey Abrams Favor…
It’s really laughable that a Federal Judge who was appointed by Barack Obama (Judge Amy Totenberg), has just ruled that Georgia’s Governors race should not be certified because of supposed irregularities with voting machines or until all votes are counted. It’s also not surprising that any of the other rulings have gone in Stacey’s favor when her sister is also a GA Federal Judge appointed by Obama. The democrats are not interested in counting ALL votes, just those created to allow them a win. Democrats claim every election cycle of voter suppression and irregularities, but do nothing during the regular season to combat supposed issues. The truth is Democrats have concocted a way to try and count illegals into the voting system, this is why they fight so hard against voter ID’s, when EVERY poor person in America has to have an ID in order to receive any form of assistance. The only people who don’t have ID’s, are usually those who should not be voting or who are not US Citizens.
As democrats put on a show about the nomination of Kavanaugh, in fear of his votes against abortion rights; democrats were staging their own judicial corruption all across the country and no one is saying a word. Activist judges trying to overthrow elections to ensure that 2016 doesn’t repeat itself in 2020. What’s shameful is that no pundit on either side is challenging any of this because, they want to ensure we all stay stupid and believing in the corrupt voting system that both parties have created to ensure that their 1% stays in power. I’m still angered that there was no outrage by democrats when they were found to have purged votes in NY during 2016 primaries to help Hillary, or the DNC Fraud Lawsuit that largely went ignored by mainstream media.
Stacey Abrams just like Andrew Gillum are only Black in skin color, neither of them will do a damn thing to help Black America’s poor. They both are establishment controlled democrats, who were chosen long ago. I’m still waiting for the outrage when Black people realize that “Black Girl Magic”, Atlanta Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, just signed a multi-billion dollar giveaway to CIM Corporation to build out an area in Atlanta called: the Gulch. The CIM Corporation is known for it’s heavy ties with Kushner Properties (Jared Kushner family) and does most of these types of urban developments with them. They are known for re-developing inner city spaces with the partnership of Kushner Properties, that gentrifies and prices out poor Blacks who have lived in those areas for decades.
The Democratic Party, Hollywood, nor liberal media, did anything to help Ben Jealous in Maryland (they supported the Republican governor instead), or Mike Espy in MS.. Jealous made the mistake of supporting Bernie (also ask yourself why didn’t Bernie fight harder for him, while he was running across the US with Ocasio-Cortez) over Hillary and Espy was screwed over decades ago by both Bill Clinton and the democrats as Clinton’s Secretary of Agriculture…I digress.
A Georgia Tech (non-partisan) mathematician has already said that there are not enough votes to help Stacey in either a run off or a recount, but she is clearly hoping that they can somehow find enough ballots to justify either scenario.
In Florida, Stevie Wonder can see that the Democratic Party has tried to manipulate the outcome. The ruling judge’s admonishment to tone down the rhetoric there was especially jarring, they’re more concerned with losing the trust of the public and this corrupt system than they are with the truth. The judge then ruled that there was no voter fraud, of course there was no voter fraud, it’s election fraud that’s the issue.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach
@BrianKempGA The Democrats Stacey Abrams @ajc