FYI: Get over your lovefest for Oprah, she’s a Capitalist who could care less about your poor black a$$…she made that clear when asked why she wasn’t creating a girls school in Chicago/US as she did in Africa. Also, Oprah has always catered to white women, they were her bread and butter for years…those very white women who are salivating over her now, ran from her new show OWN when it first launched b/c she dared endorse her friend Obama over their Queen Hillary…Oprah’s networked immediately tanked b/c they all boycotted her, she quickly noticed that only ONE show out of ALL of her lilly white shows, were viable and garnering any ratings and it was a little known reality show called, ‘Sweetie Pies’…she then fired her CEO and said that she was going to revamp her show to cater to Black ppl…and Viola’, next came Tyler Perry and the rest of you slave minded zombies followed…