Georgia’s Democratic Party Hasn’t Learned its Lesson from Ossoff’s nor Hillary’s Loss…

4 min readDec 3, 2017


In two days Atlanta, “The City Too Busy To Hate”, will elect its next mayor and with recent polls, Mary Norwood will be the victor. The fact that GA’s Democratic Party has spent $100K’s on a non-partisan race, to support a candidate who has major ethical issues and not to mention who’s strongly tied to the current corrupt Mayor Kasim Reed, should not be lost on anyone paying attention. The horrible, misleading and out rights lies on black radio and local TV, being pedaled by both the Democratic Party and Bottoms are mere echoes of the races that both Ossoff and Hillary unsuccessfully ran. Keisha Lance-Bottoms is part of the ruling elite class of Atlanta, she’s sided with Kasim on criminalizing the poor, closing homeless shelters and making it illegal to feed the homeless as well.

All of this and more should make it clearer on why Democratic Party has chosen to fly in Senator’s Cory Booker & Kamala Harris…two black elites who have nothing to do with Atlanta politics and bring their own set of major baggage in tow. Kamala Harris a former AG of California who brags in her book of locking up poor black mothers for truancy and whose staff fought against California’s Prison early release program because she said they needed prisoners to fight fires and other FREE labor agendas…not to mention Harris using racist, stop & frisk, broken windows pedaler & corrupt former NYP Commissioner Bill Bratton to be a prominent & proud co-signer of her book.

As insulting as this move is, it should not be a surprise because it is clear that the Democratic Party, is now the party of the elite and owned by Wall Street. Keisha Lance-Bottoms who just purchased a million+ dollar home in Martha’s Vineyard, with a loan garnered as a 2nd home (for lower interest rates), yet her disclosure has it listed as a rental property, not to mention refusing to produce taxes and only producing non-signed and heavily redacted ones on last Friday after being challenged by the press for not delivering them as promised before, not to mention the fact that she unethically was appointed by Kasim Reed to head up the Atlanta & Fulton County Recreational Authority, all while Bottoms sat on Atlanta City Council (a position that conflicts with her role as member of ACC and should never have been allowed) this is clearly the candidate of the Black Atlanta Boughesie Misleadership Class and they are going full Trump & slinging racism to ensure that she is selected and to ensure corruption and pay to play politics for their select group continues.

Atlanta’s Black Leadership Class (John Lewis) and all across the USA, have NOT created any Black Empowering Infrastructure, there is an abundance of talent and a deficit in opportunities…it’s the same wash, rinse, repeat for decades…it’s time for a change and the CBC is the first place that should be shuddered. John Lewis just endorsed an Asian man for Atlanta City Council President over a very prominent Black woman. This all while telling us that we should all vote for the Black woman over the White woman for mayor and if we don’t we’re all sellouts and coons…(These were the words thrown at Atlanta City Council President, Ceasar Mitchell, after he endorsed Mary Norwood).

I watched in disappointment this morning as a personal friend, Jeff Dickerson (Georgia’s Gang) questioned how former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin could say she’s endorsing Mary Norwood because of her integrity, when 8yrs ago she stated she didn’t have any integrity…yet Dickerson nor any of the establishment won’t question why Shirley Franklin who also 8yrs ago endorsed Kasim Reed & that Reed was also Franklin’s campaign manager and why now she is vehemently against both Reed and Bottoms. These same Black political partisans didn’t use the same critic when Obama & Michelle endorsed Hillary Clinton after both called her untrustworthy and more during their 08 campaign. They gleefully said, that Obama & Michelle were entitled to change their minds.

Mary Norwood is not perfect as is no politician or person but she has been consistent in showing up and standing up for the downtrodden of African Americans in Atlanta for decades.

Atlanta’s mayoral race isn’t about a black woman vs. a white woman, or republican vs democrat, it’s about the the Haves & the Have Nots and who will best work to ensure that the City That’s Too Busy To Hate, is also a city that doesn’t kick out its poor for corporate interest and gentrification, as has been the case with the current administration. Keisha Lance-Bottoms is a third term of Kasim Reed, no matter how many try to deny it.

You can mark your calendars that when Mary Norwood wins on Tuesday, not only will democrats cry racism & Trump but they will also find a way to blame Russia.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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