GOP Should Demand FB, Twitter & Google, Hand Over Christine Blasey-Ford’s Erased Files…
It does not take a rocket scientist to know that it took some powerful forces and money to erase Christine Blasey-Ford’s online presence and footprint so quickly. It’s glaring to think that she was able to completely erase all things about her, and even the geekiest of experts have not been able to pull up anything on her via wayback machine etc.,. One has to ask what are Ford and her handlers hiding to go to this extent?
If the GOP wasn’t such a con like the democrats, playing the American people for idiots, they would have demanded that this information were handed over to both the committee and the FBI. The GOP would have also asked about this during their questioning of Ford. At this point, the only victims of this entire scam are the American people.
No one has the power to erase their entire online footprint without some major power and money behind them to do so. Listening to Ford’s testimony of her facts were insulting to any non partisan thinking person, nothing she said sounded credible, and she is definitely not a victim any more than Kavanaugh is a choirboy.
What’s even more strange was her weird behavior, her childlike handwriting that was shown and her irritating and childlike voice. Upon listening to her it is clear that any degrees and professional affiliations she holds were certainly paid and advanced because of her wealthy family. She even admitted herself that she was not a good student in high school or college. Ford is clearly no different than what we all said about George Bush, Jr., only advancing because of money and power. Ford’s irritating voice sounded worst than the dumbest valley girl and you can dislike my comments but you can’t take away the facts that Ford sounded as ridiculous as her 36 year old claims.
The democrats/liberals are such trash and hypocrites that they have attacked the above woman for making this voice over mocking Ford. She was so vehemently attacked that she had to shutdown her social media accounts. Yet we see these same people daily attacking Melania, Ivanka or any other conservative female with impunity.
I’ve been in situation(s) in high school where young boys were out of line, attempting to force themselves on me, there was nothing traumatizing about it. Most of these young men have remained close friends over the years, and have apologized long ago for their immature behavior. Most of these young men also have grown up to be successful and respectable adults, many of whom we’ve talked about those issues over the last few weeks and not only laughed at the audacity of it all but cringed that something so ridiculous could ruin a persons life 36 years later.
What’s also telling is that the media and GOP are bending over backwards to claim that Ford’s story sounded credible but we all know that’s only because the GOP doesn’t want to hurt Kavanaugh by saying otherwise, and both the media and GOP do not EVER want to attack a wealthy white woman.
Lastly, I’m confused how Ford is a 51 year old woman yet looks like she’s closer to 70…and this is all after they cleaned her up for the hearing. Ford looks like a woman who is an alcoholic, but of course her past and online presence has been carefully removed to ensure that we never know who this woman really is. It’s also funny how they toned down her trailer trash looking over processed blonde hairstyle, that we finally saw posted online the day before her testimony to the Senate. If Kavanaugh’s past is on display then so should hers be. How do you determine ones truth of an accusation of this magnitude, if they are also not critiqued in the process?
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach