Greta Thunberg, a Rich White Girl from One of the Whitest Places on Earth, is NOT a Victim. #ClimateChange

5 min readSep 24, 2019


Greta Thunberg aboard Monoco Royalty’s Yacht

The entire charade of Greta Thunberg’s United Nations and Hollywood casting audition, was beyond laughable and shameful. The entire global school walkout last week was just another George Soros and Neoliberal production. I’m still waiting on the global walkouts and protests against the systemic racism, unfounded wars and violence that has permeated the entire globe against Black and Brown people for centuries by families like the Thunberg’s, Rothchild’s etc.,. Greta who cruised to New York on a luxury Yacht owned by Monoco Royals, lamented that her future has been taken away because of failed policies around climate change.

Greta Thunberg admiring the shoreline of NYC

Notice how the article below describes Greta’s mother…the statement below is how the world see’s white girls like Greta, and I don’t see anything glamorous about her or her mother.

“But the glamorous blonde Swedish opera singer said she actually discouraged Greta from the strike and denied claims that anyone is telling her what to do.”

Greta comes from the same background of white privilege as that of Felicity Huffman and Laura Laughlin. I am willing to bet that her parents have done and will continue to do, some of the same privileged dealings for her that those parents did for their already over privileged children. Greta is a victim of privilege and arrogance, a child being used for political gain from a system that only cares about those who look like her.

Greta Thunberg — UN Speech 2019
Greta Thunberg & Barack Obama

It amazes me how white liberals have been on this new rant pretending to care about white supremacy and their inability to see and/or acknowledge it. Newsflash: this privileged child’s performance was the height of arrogance, elitism and white supremacy. All the high fiving and praising of Greta was insulting when the futures of black and brown babies the world over have been destroyed from birth, not because of climate change but because of a system that elevates whiteness and white girls like Greta, and pipelines to prison from birth to black babies; while having no problem bombing and decimating others for profit. Greta worries about her future, does she even consider the hypocrisy of a rich white girl making this statement when millions of black and brown children’s present day lives have been taken from them due to people like her?

Whether you believe in climate change or not, Greta is being used to push an agenda that someone of her age should not even be concerned with. Liberals have been careful not to bring the Climate Change debate to black voters, you should ask yourselves why. Greta and her yacht, should have sailed down to the Bahamas and picked up some of the poor black Bahamians who are still stranded there after their recent hurricane. No one even noticed that there has been no protests from white liberals after the Trump administration’s denial of those poor black Bahamians entry into the USA. However, there isn’t a day that goes by that liberals aren’t ranting about immigration, asylum seekers, the border and ICE. I am still waiting on John Lewis and Elijah Cummings to shed tears (the way they both did for Central Americans, Mexican illegals and asylum seekers) for the many left homeless, hungry and living in threat of disease after the hurricane in the Bahamas.

We are used as puppets for every political agenda they have, with the exception of Climate Change. Globally, they could care less about the affects of for profit wars that leaves an immeasurable carbon footprint. White elites have no problem with continuation of endless wars and decimation of the lives of children and babies who do not look like Greta. The only reason Trump is hated around the world, is because he has not been a pedaler of a continuation of for profit wars. If you look at every senate vote on funding more wars since Trump became president, you will see that it was almost a unanimous vote to fund them. It’s telling that war is the one thing that unites democrats and republicans without fail.

If only Trump would agree to bomb Iran (what’s left of Libya), Syria, North Korea or even Russia, he would be lauded as the greatest president in American history. Democrats complained ad nauseam when Trump appointed noted warmonger, John Bolton to National Security Adviser; yet they also complained when he was summarily dismissed. Every politician and journalist with an ounce of integrity, knows that Bolton left because Trump has been working more on building bridges than he has on blowing them up.

Lastly, white liberals can go to any predominantly black city across America and see the effects of their neglect and political games. The last that I checked, black and poor children were still drinking poisoned water in Flint, Baltimore, Atlanta and Detroit.

As the white liberal elite class and their media mouthpieces laud Greta Thunberg’s UN speech, they smuggly ignored the UN’s declarations against the poverty, homelessness and disease that has permeated San Francisco. We all know that to discuss those atrocities would mean exposing their own criminal neglect and corrupt policies.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach🍑




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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