Hello Marin, thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and also for taking the time to carefully reply to various points of disagreement without being disagreeable. Much Respect!!!
- “Trump is the POTUS, a national security risk”: In a just world, that would be more than an accurate assessment, but you and I know that those barking the loudest are the very people/media who have worked tirelessly to attack Trump even as he traveled abroad (something that was supposed to be off limits when a Pres is traveling). We also both know that liberals and the media have spent the last 4 yrs deny the legitimacy of his presidency, taking sides with foreign countries who attacked him and any other form of outright treason that one could imagine. These people don’t care about his health nor the security of the country, they’re mad that he’s not attached to a ventilator holding on to his last breath. Lastly, if they gave a damn about imagery of America and national security; they would not be angry that he has pushed to end wars in the middle east, nor would they mock his recent peace deal with Israel and the UAE.
2. “Trump is a LIAR” : Please ignore the source and watch the video.
3. “Cuomo getting sick does not carry as much weight as Trump getting sick”: I honestly think that you missed my entire point on the hypocrisy of it all. There is no one that is comparable to Trump as you mentioned, he’s the leader of the “free” world. My point in using Cuomo is that he clearly claimed to be impaired by COVID, while also continuing to do his show. What I did not mention is that I have twin sons, who both were diagnosed early on with pneumonia…ones symptoms was really bad (there were no tests available then), he was placed on oxygen for two days and then released without his father or myself being able to attend to him. His twin brother (whom he shares a home with), had to literally walk him to the bathroom for two nights straight b/c he was too weak to walk alone. He also had to hand feed him soup as well…I share this personal story b/c my sons are almost half Cuomo’s age and in far better shape, and yet he was not able to recover for over a week, from what was told to be only pneumonia. There is no way in hell that I am going to believe that Cuomo was as sick as he described and still able to conduct a nightly show.
4. “Trump and his administration are ruthless…remember when he mocked Hillary”: I am well aware of Trump’s unprofessional and often childish antics but you know what I will remember, hearing for the rest of my life? The “ruthless” Hillary telling a room full of white women (pedaling racist fears of young black boys), that young black boys were super predators and that it didn’t matter what they did, nor why but that they needed to be locked up…she said these horrible things and more as she campaigned to promote her husband and Joe Biden’s crime bill.
4.”Liberal Hypocrisy or Rich People Hypocrisy”: Newsflash, have you not been paying attention to who and what the democratic party now stands for and represents. The love their new phrase “Latte Liberals”…Dem Party is owned by the rich and big corps.
5. “I don’t know what treatments celebrities received”: Rita Wilson & Tom Hanks praised their treatment until Trump was condemned for praising it as well. Anyone who does any cursory research knows that that particular drug has been around for decades and can purchased for less than $20…you also know that big pharma, nor that fraud Bill Gates (along with Fauci), were going to sit back and allow Trump to say that a drug that was already on the market, and one that cheap, could possibly be a deterrent for COVID. These people needed to make money, and the only way to do that was to lie abt it’s effects and to get behind a new drug that would make them all unthinkable wealth. What’s funny is that Rita survived her fight against COVID by taking that drug, to come back and try later to denounce it b/c of side effects is pathetic, there isn’t a drug on the market that doesn’t have unwanted side effects. However, Rita and Tom had to quickly do a backtrack on their praise because we all know Trump is bad LOL smdh.
6. “I hate that many regular folk are looking at Trump thinking that they can get the same treatment as Trump”: LOL, that seemed very disingenuous b/c you and I know that it’s mostly poor white people who are following his lead on this and we both also know that black people have eagerly bought into the liberals game of what MAGA really means. I’ve seen countless of people both educated, and not; all laughing and wishing for the deaths of his followers. You know what I hate the most while watching regular black folk lay praise for the passing of RBG, when they will NEVER get the type of medical treatment that allowed an 83yr old rich white woman, with several life threatening commobities, clear osteoporosis to the point that she was incapable of holding her neck in an erect position, and to have had several bouts with cancer…yet still lived beyond most younger poor people suffering from only one of her many issues. Not to mention the accolades that black people laid at her feet when she only had ONE BLACK clerk her entire 27yrs on the bench…SCOTUS’ have 4 clerks per year (you do the math), it is also known that anyone who lands the coveted job of clerk for a Justice, can write their ticket for life. She also sat on the appellate court for 13yrs prior to being appointed to SCOTUS and not one time did she hire a black person. RBG was no hero to black women or black people, her fight was for elite white women and the extermination of black and brown babies via abortions…
There are a plethora of things that Trump has done in support of black people, yet liberal media has completely taken over the minds of black people to the point that they refuse to believe anything positive about him.
The last video is of Judge Joe Brown telling the story on how black businesses in NY during the 90’s were not able to get loans via banks, and was told that they should go see Trump and he would loan them the money.
Lastly, I will NOT allow white liberals, liberals corporate media arm of the dem party, or paid black celebrities, tell me who my enemy is or to pander lies and fear to keep me tied to the fraud and failed policies of the Democratic Party.
Charlie Peach