Hi Corey, I’m definitely not mad at you for voicing your opinion abt my blog. However, I am confused why you would say you won’t post it b/c my writing doesn’t align with your views on Trump. Allow me a moment to try and respond and give you some clarity and I do this only because I have always appreciated your support. There is nothing I’ve said in this blog that I’ve not said repeatedly before. The Republicans don’t owe black ppl shit, we don’t GIVE our votes to them in mass, there is no need for me to point them out every time I write a blog. I’m trying to awaken the minds of black ppl not give them more excuses. This mindset is the very reason we have lost the entire political spectrum of reality, instead of holding democrats accountable, we are always looking to excuse their behavior with what about republican responses.
- Trump did NOT lie about election fraud, your misguided hate and disdain from him should not allow you to ever ignore truth. Democrats cunningly used their scamdemic to push for lockdowns so that they could use illegal votes to win. GA was a huge psyops…they weren’t going to take Senators like Graham & McConnell out b/c they’re both part of the Swamp, but they pedaled and milked that Black man running against Graham to the tune of over $300M, as the woman running against Mitch. Senator Loeffler (appointed about a year) & Senator Purdue (fist term) were both new to the system and easily expendable. They needed to have the 50/50 vote so that trash Kamala could be seen as the shero everytime she’s tasked to break a tie…yaaas queen, black girl magic bullshit that they pushed everytime she opened her lying mouth in the Senate. This will help push her power when running in 2024. It will be headlines of how racists republican senators are who dare respond to her rhetoric.
- My sister has lived in Harlem for over 30yrs; I am well aware of who Trump is…my sister and many others don’t share your views. Every black celebrity in America once loved Trump’s dirty drawers until he started talking abt their anointed hero Obama…and NOT I am not saying I agree with Trump’s antics.
- Judge Joe Brown tells a story of 5 or 7 black men in the 90’s who couldn’t get loans from banks to support their businesses and all independently were told to go see Trump b/c he was known for helping businesses in need. They each tell (none of the men know each other) the story that they went (at diff times) to see Trump and explained their businesses and their monetary needs. They each stated that Trump then wrote them out a check for the amounts asked and told them all that he expected payments with interest on various dates agreed on. They all then tell him the stories that they each on their various dates went back to meet with Trump and to repay him what was owed including interest. Judge Brown goes on to say that each tell the story that Trump took their checks without looking and asked if it were total payments owed, and then tore them up and said enjoy your life and good luck. There are many stories like that about Trump that I have heard and know are true.
- It also amazes me that you would seemingly give Biden a pass by saying he didn’t write the crime bill when he not only wrote it but he incentivized it with states…and no one has ever argued that the sorry ass CBC wasn’t a part of signing the bill…no diff than the slime we see them doing now. Clyburn, Waters, Jackson-Lee and all are more of a threat to Black ppl than Trump could ever be.
- The democrats are worse than Fascists, the Orwellian control and totalitarian state that democrats have been wielding for a while now and have completely lost reality with this latest big tech push that has silenced a sitting president. Democrats want to silence and destroy anyone who doesn’t think and believe as they do.
- I totally agree with you about Trump Jr., and Guillani; they both sounded completely unhinged. I also never said I agreed with Trump’s words either, other than the fact that there was nothing new abt anything he said over the past several years…we all know that he likes to brag and bolster about everything. Democrats, CNN & MSNBC and their corporate owners have whipped up this frinzy to wield more power and to take away more rights. Joe Biden was behind the Patriot Act and more…but it’s Trump that we should fear.
- It amazes me that people who claim to hate America, and dare anyone to support the flag are now mad that America is somehow in danger of racists over taking it.
- Lastly, I have said more than once that Black people will NEVER have power GIVING all of their votes to one party for FREE. It’s actually too late now to ask what should we do because democrats have created a new class of negroes with illegal immigration, and they are proving to vote more right than left…and this is the very reason democrats have been catering to them for the last 8yrs. Democrats are boldly and clearly working for their votes, while we continue to be controlled by emotion and fear…when the real threat are the very ones you’re voting for.
Much Love,
Charlie Peach…XO