Hillary Clinton Is A RACIST: There is A Big Difference In Confusing A Quote Vs. An Image…

6 min readOct 30, 2018


The interviewer did not mistake an image of Holder and Booker, she confused a quote. Had there been an image of Holder that she was confusing for Booker then Hillary’s comments would have been a little less offensive but even then, two white women and an audience full of mostly white people laughing at the expense of Black people via an old racist trope is never funny or acceptable.

I’m also so sick of Black women coming to the rescue of all things said and done by Hillary Clinton. Seeing the plethora of tweets where Black women are attacking Black men and others to defend Hillary’s racist rants is sickening. Hillary is an old rich racist white woman, the same racist white woman who told a group of rich white women that it didn’t matter what the crimes of poor Black boys were or how their lives were impacted by systemic issues, all that mattered was that they brought them to heel.

The same ease and arrogant hate that Hillary spews against the so-called depolorables, is the same ease and hate she spewed years ago against poor Black boys to an all white audience, to fear them into voting for her husband. She worked that audience of rich white women over well, pushing their fears of young black boys and men all the way to the polls.

It’s past time for Black people and especially Black women to stop defending her. There is a big difference in someone confusing an image than someone mistaking a quote. The below person is implying that the interviewer was confusing two images of Booker and Holder, when in fact she was only confusing a quote.

Hillary’s, “They All Look Alike”, was a reaction, a cathartic statement that was a window into who and what she is, it spoke volumes on how she thinks and how she talks behind closed doors.

Hillary, quickly making that comment was only due to the fact that it’s something she does often. It was not a joke it was a reflex, it was what comes natural for her in her every day racist liberal circles and conversations. Have we not forgotten the racism spewed from her 2008 campaign against Obama? How many excuses are we going to make for the Clinton’s before we accept who they really are:

  1. Bill Clinton executes a mentally ill Black man (Ricky Ray Rector) as Gov., in order to appeal to racist whites for votes that he needed to become POTUS.
  2. Bill Clinton signs bill to keep the confederate symbol on Arkansas flag.
  3. Hillary brags in her book about the black male prisoners that worked for free (slaves) for them when she was in AK governors mansion. Her words of racism was spoken as smoothly as a gentile white racist sitting on her antebellum porch, drinking tea on summers evening as she watched her slaves labor in the fields.
  4. Bill Clinton does a photo opp on the top of Stone Mtn., GA the home of the Grand Dragon of the KKK, with black male prisoners behind him…signing his crime bill.
  5. Bill Clinton implements three strikes, which ensured the disparity in sentencing between crack cocaine (a known black drug of choice) and that of cocaine ( a known white drug of choice).
  6. Hillary campaigns for Bill pushing his racist crime bill to rich white women, invoking the term ‘super predator’ as a means to instill fear and gain votes.
  7. Bill Clinton in 2008 said to Ted Kennedy about Obama, “this guy would be normally waiting our tables and getting us coffee”….
  8. Hillary Clinton’s campaign started the Birther Movement against Obama, her campaign strategist Mark Penn, distributed the letter questioning his birth certificate. It was then passed on in conversations to her then friend Donald Trump (no doubt laughing and mocking how they all look alike during many social gathers), who decided to or was told to, continued the rhetoric.
  9. Hillary’s campaign in 2008 sent out an image of Obama in muslim attire, in an attempt to invoke fear and racism and steer the same people she now calls the deporables, to vote for her.
  10. Hillary in 2008 also refused to concede to Obama, stating that she needed to stay in because he could very well end up like Robert Kennedy (dead).
  11. Hillary had a sitting African (Libya) president assassinated and then laughed and bragged about his murder. Now Libya is a failed state, overrun with African slave trading and violence.
  12. Hillary’s first public event after leaving the SOS’s office under Obama was to host a fundraiser (for Chelsea’s mother in law) with Lynn Rothschild, the racist billionaire and former Chair of Dem Party, who helped launch the PUMA’s (Party Unity My Ass) against Obama, and refused to support him…who also went to work for McCain/Palin in an attempt to defeat him, and spent his first few years in office on Fox News attacking him.
  13. Hillary’s praise for Margaret Sanger, the eugenics mastermind behind Planned Parenthood.
  14. Hillary’s praise for KKK Robert Byrd, as an American original, friend and her mentor. “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds”~Robert Byrd
  15. Hillary fights to deny a few pennies in a raise for poor Black women/mothers in Haiti in order to protect her corporate owners/donors, like Walmart and Wrangler.
  16. Hillary’s laughing with Bill DeBlasio about being on CP time for being late to endorse her.
  17. Hillary goes to a Black church in Ferguson and says, “All Lives Matter”.
  18. Hillary’s sickening and racist hot sauce story (that I don’t believe).

And this is all that I can remember and in no way the totality of their racist sledgehammer that has beaten and destroyed millions of Black lives all across the globe.

It is so sad watching Black women at every turn defend both liberals racism and that of Hillary Clinton no matter what they say or do…are we so desperate to belong that we have sold our souls, our sons and our communities to the Democratic Party in order to claim membership?

It’s really pathetic that so many Black women spend so much time attacking Black men, defending their love for feminism and Hillary, yet Hillary has NEVER left her sexual predator husband because unlike Black women, Hillary and the white feminists fight has always been for power and for Black women it’s sadly just for their acceptance. Without Bill, Hillary would have been just another white woman. I really wish my Black sisters would wake up to the con game being played on them by white liberals, and realize the power and threat of a Black man and the Black family unit; and the overall power that we possess as one.

Lastly, to all of the Black women who use every event to find and excuse to attack Black men, re voting and more….I have some really bad news for you, if it weren’t for the Democratic Party and their crime bill (written by your Uncle Joe Biden), along with Hillary Clinton and her Super Predator indictment, there would be millions of Black men free and legal to help you vote for your oppressor.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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