Hillary Clinton Loved Deplorables When She and Bill Needed Them In Arkansas!

5 min readApr 30, 2018


Hillary Clinton continues her con game of pretending to despise so-called ‘deplorables’, her recent comments in India were more of the same diatribe to stir the emotions of minorities that she used when speaking before an all white audience pedaling Bill Clinton’s Crime Bill. Then it was ‘Super Predator’ that she invoked. Yes, poor black kids who she had no problem using as a target and pawn to stir anger and fear amongst white women, no different than how she used deplorables to stir anger and fear within the black communities.

The problem is the speech was made on the campaign trail less than a month before the New Hampshire primary to drum up support for a second Clinton term in a state where inner-city crime had little to no impact. The point was to instill fear of “them” and illustrate the value of the 1994 crime bill to make voters believe that Clinton legislation would stop the chance, as small as it may be, of these “superpredators” from coming to your white, bucolic town and destroying it with their drugs and crime.

“Superpredators” is not a term that Clinton would ever have used in a more diverse state and by choosing that particular term to describe black children, even black children involved in gangs, to a white audience, she took a potential fear of the unfamiliar and not only normalized, but legitimized, racism. “Superpredators” was not the ramblings of an insane person passing flyers out about how the end is near; it was the thoughtfully scripted words of a woman in an extremely high profile and influential position.~Heidi Gillstrom — The Hill

Hillary is very good at playing on the deepest fears of the electorate to peddle her 1% corporate agenda. She has studied the fears of both poor blacks and white elites and knows when and where to peddle her words of fear and hate. Yet Hillary has said repeatedly that she will always be a Goldwater Girl.

Hillary’s logo was from Barry Goldwater’s old campaign

“I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic moving forward. And his whole campaign was looking backwards. You know, you didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are, whatever your problem is … He stirred that up”~Hillary Clinton

It’s shameful that when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas (a Deplorable state) and Hillary was 1st Lady, he and Hillary played to all things Deplorable to ensure that he kept his seat. They both flew back to Arkansas while campaigning for his presidential election, an executed a mentally retarded black man (Ricky R. Rector) to prove their love for Deplorables and to get their much needed votes!

Bill Clinton Killed A Black Man To Become President

Tuesday Hillary Clinton claimed the 2008 Democratic campaign for president has not been tarred by racism. In this she lies. She knows very well that the campaign has been tarred by racism, as she knows that her candidacy has managed to survive only through its deliberate appeal to racists.

I wish I could say that her acts, her words, surprise me. But they don’t. Because I know something about her, and her husband, and race. For in 1992, I worked for the Clinton campaign. And though employed in a minor capacity, word filtered down even to me that Bill Clinton intended to put to death a black man, as a way to “dog-whistle” to white racists that he knew how blacks should really be treated.

And so Bill Clinton put to death a black man, so mentally impaired that, when led to the death chamber, he left behind his pie, believing that, after his execution, he would return to consume it. ~Daily Kos

As first lady of Arkansas, Hillary laments in her book on how she used ‘slave labor’ to maintain the grounds and other chores at the Governor’s mansion. She speaks of using prison labor with such ease and soliloquy, like a southern belle overlooking her cotton fields, while sipping tea from her veranda.

Passage from Hillary Clinton’s book

Bill Clinton as governor of Arkansas, was captured at a barbecue at the Bush’s home in Maine, enjoying the company of racist and deplorable, George Wallace. As governor, Bill Clinton chose to keep the confederate flag star on Arkansas’ state flag…another ode to the deplorables he needed to continue to elevate he and Hillary’s political agendas.

Hillary didn’t find W. Virginia Senator (KKK) Robert Byrd deplorable, in fact upon his death she praised him as an American Original. Robert Byrd, a man who oversaw the burnings of crossing (possibly lynchings) and terrorizing of black people throughout the south, was lauded as an American Original to Hillary. She was right about that, he was an American Original, the real ‘Deplorable’ of who and what AmeriKKKa was founded on and really is.

It’s also interesting that a ‘deplorable’ state launched Hillary’s political career, bears the Clinton name at its airport, yet Hillary now finds them all despicable and only worthy of scorn and contempt. Maybe it’s time for the deplorable people of Arkansas to remove the Clinton name from its airport. It’s also time for black people to know when we’re being used for the democrats political agendas.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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