#HimToo Charles Blow, Compares His Childhood to that of Wealthy Christine Blasey-Ford’s…
In a tear-filled story of his childhood sexual abuse/molestation, New York Times Columnist, Charles Blow delivered an impassioned plea on why Christine Blasey-Ford should be believed. I would have found what Blow had to say actually compelling had it not been so pathetically insulting and laughable. I thought I had seen it all when it came to the depths that Black liberals would go to protect their paymasters, until I saw a gay Black man compare his past childhood abuse to that of a wealthy White woman.
Unlike Charles Blow, Christine Blasey-Ford attended a ritzy, and mostly White girls only High School (Holton-Arms) and per her own yearbook, she outlines their ultimate goals were to land boys from the equally ritzy all boys high school that Brett Kavanaugh attended. Blow boldly comparing himself being molested as a child to that of a wealthy white drunken teenagers alleged story of an attempted rape during a out of control teenage party, is shameful. This type of out of control partisan rhetoric does not give real victims of sexual assault any justice, and ultimately only harms those who really suffer. You can not make me believe that a 16 year old girl who brags of drinking binges and constant promiscuity during her high school years, is actually pretending that she was somehow traumatized years later from an alleged attempted raped during one of her many binges.
These are the same wealthy White women who made the trashy book and movie, Fifty Shades of Grey a number best seller in both print and box office. Imagine the hypocrisy of the #MeToo movement, when all of these same women were in unison and praise for a movie about a rich White man and a virginal and plain Jane college student, who allows a billionaire playboy to sexually abuse her via sexual bondage, domination, sexism and masochism. All of these disturbing antics come with a detailed non-disclosure agreement between the two, that outlines all that is required of her and what she will receive in compensation for her sexual obedience.
Fast forward to real life and Christine Blasey-Ford’s entire online history, along with any recent images were completely erased after coming forward with her secret interview with the WaPo. If her claims were credible then there was no reason to erase her footprints, footprints that chronicled the real story of who she was. I can not stress enough, the depth and reach it requires to completely have ones internet footprint erased…not to mention why.
However, like all things related to the internet, there are some things that still can be found. Blasey-Ford’s yearbook reads like any story we’ve ever heard, seen or read about the antics of rich White girls and boys. Her yearbook was replete with underage drinking binges, promiscuity and even racism. Image Charles Blow comparing his childhood sexual abuse to that of Christine Blasey-Ford and the drunken parties, white privileged and racism of Ford’s; and the young White girls who attended Holton-Arms’ private high school…details in the link below.
As the saying goes, “boys will be boys”…but there is a clear and dangerous history of vindictiveness of white women when it comes to false sexual allegations. What’s even more dangerous is how White women have used feminism and sexism to make themselves victims in need of special rights, and completely erasing their privilege in the process. All on the backs of Black women and civil rights…
The resistance media has been singularly focused on Brett Kavanaugh’s high school yearbooks, which imply that he got drunk and threw up. There’s no need to imply anything from the Holton-Arms yearbooks. It’s all there in focus, and the written word too. All of the sordid details as approved for publication by a “look the other way” faculty. And now it’s available for historical/evidentiary review.~Cult of the First Amendment
All online accounts of Blasey-Ford’s prominence within the Democratic Party, the Resistance, #MeToo and Feminists movements were also erased. After reading her yearbook captions, it’s clear why they made sure to do this…it also shows you what rich people in power can do and who actually controls the media and platforms that we use. Seeing the video of Hollywood celebrities that was created with women celebrities all lamenting their praise, belief and support of Blasey-Ford was laughable, these women don’t know Blasey-Ford nor if she’s telling the truth. It’s also laughable and insulting that only certain women are to be believed. I’m still waiting on the many cases and accusations of Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults and rape to be re-opened, and I want these same women to join together in condemnation of him and praise for his victims. I’m also waiting for this same outrage against democrat Keith Ellison but we know that since his alleged victim isn’t a rich White woman, he gets a pass.
In the rush to erase all of Christine Blasey-Ford’s past from view, her handlers forgot to erase her work (co-authorship) with a drug company called Corcepts Therapeutics. I will allow you all to form your own conclusions of the below information.
Corcept Therapeutics (Corcept.com) manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug called mifepristone, and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey’s name listed on several publications at this Corcept.com web page detailing their research papers. Here is the link to Corcept’s website that shows Blasey’s name on several research papers. this Corcept.com web page detailing their research papers.
The insulting story of her inability to remember where and when the alleged assault occurred but knows she was 15 at the time, and that Kavanaugh was 17, is laughable. Surely the good doctor (a research psychologist and biostatistician who teaches at Stanford University and Palo Alto University) knows that if she is clear on her age that a simple math addition of the year she was born would tell her the exact year it allegedly happened. However, based on her yearbook writings, and all of the out of control binge drinking and sex that was said to have occurred; you can clearly see why her foggy mind and facts are so skewed.
Charles Blow per his own omission, was sexually abused as a child and any and all trauma associated with abuse on that level is warranted. However, Blow is sadly reaching and mistaken if he thinks he can compare his abuse or any poor black childs abuse to that of a drunken White privileged high schooler who brags that sex, alcohol and drugs were par for the course at her Holton-Arms private school alma mater. Blasey-Ford is still showing her White privilege in the unbelievable demands that she is making before she will appear before the US Senate. Only a rich White woman would have the audacity to make such demands.
Christine Blasey-Ford is the ‘Alfuenza’ of the weaponizing of the #MeToo movement — a movement that is clearly now nothing more than a private club for rich and angry White women. Women who are angry that they were not able to put their queen into the White House and hellbent on destroying any powerful man they can take down to further their wrath. Charles Blow like many elite Black liberals/feminists, only goal seems to be equal to that of White women, it’s really sad that we can’t see the irony in it all, but for Blow…#HimToo.
I’m no fan of Brett Kavanaugh but I do know that this type of clear liberal witch-hunt will not end well for Black men, and especially those who aren’t rich and those who do not have the full weight of the U.S. Senate behind them. To this date there has been only one person prosecuted in the #MeToo era, and that was Bill Cosby, a wealthy Black man, who’s case was re-opened even after making a sealed plea deal and paying the alleged victim millions, years before.
I have Black sons, I know the pain and fear of wondering if they’re safe when simply walking or driving on a street or highway in America…but to now also have to wonder, if their freedom and careers can be also ended by a woman complaining about an alleged incident decades earlier, with sketchy dates and no corroborating witnesses, should send fear in all mothers of sons, and especially Black mothers.
#HimToo is a sad indictment even for a Black elitist like Charles Blow (a product of an HBCU)…to reduce his abuse to that of a unfounded partisan story of a privileged White woman Christine Blasey-Ford, and all to uphold Liberals, White supremacy.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach