How Meghan Markle & the Media Purposely Erased the Black Side of Her Family…
I wish Meghan Markle well as she erases the final vestiges of her once real life amongst the commoners to now be a part of the orchestrated life of pretense, manufactured photo ops, outdated rules, rituals and vows of secrecy to be a part of the Royals.
Unlike most people, Meghan wasn’t new to me; I was a huge fan of the TV show, Suits where Meagan played a biracial law clerk in the firm of a high powered Black woman (Gina Torres). She was a perfect cast for the role, since her own family history was similar in its origin. Yet that was TV, a fictional show that like now, never showed Meghan’s Black family other than the character that was played by her father.
There have been many write ups and stories about Meghan’s White side of her family, her jealous and ratchet half sister, half brother and her (half) nephew and a slew of other relatives and White friends. However, there has not been one story of her Black family other than that of her mother. We all know that the media has never missed a chance to expose or show Black families in situations like this. Yet with Meghan, they would have us all believe that she doesn’t have any Black family beyond her mother, that her mother was somehow born by osmosis, then met and married her White father while working as a temp on a TV set in Hollywood. Who were her Black grandparents, her Black Aunts and Uncles if any? Who are her Black cousins and other family lineage of her Black mother.
Please don’t think for one minute that this is out of respect for Meghan, this has been done out of the request of the Monarchy. How dare the Queen have to really be reminded of who Meaghan is. How dare the world see a parade of Black people filling one side of the chapel on her wedding day. So, if you want to see the real power of the media, then look no further than the erasure that is taking place with Meghan Markle’s Black family history.
The story of Meghan’s father being invited to her wedding is laughable. He never received security, where were his airline tickets, no advance protocol team was ever sent to his home to prepare him for the wedding, or a real fitting for a tux ever occurred. Whatever her fathers heart conditions are, they didn’t just occur this week; he’s clearly been living with heart disease and all the other issues that lead up to clogged arteries for a very long time. He was never going to walk her down the isle; I believe all of this was orchestrated and I am sure that he received more than the alleged check from the media for going along. Instead of having a Black relative step in to walk her down the isle (which is customary) or even going the entire walk alone, she has chosen Prince Charles.
So tomorrow make sure to get a good look at Meghan Markle for the last time. We won’t see any hints of her ethnic background, for that has all been wiped away. We won’t see the seemingly brown hues and freckles of the clear ethnic beauty she once was. What we will see will be a very thin looking white woman, who’s shunned the sun for months for fear of her true DNA of blackness rearing its ugly head.
I am sure the transformation is all but complete, the bright eyed bi-racial beauty is slowly being transformed into the Stepford wife that we now see in Kate. I remember Kate, fashionably chic, she was once the same fashionable and full of life beauty that Meghan now exudes. Unlike the shell of a woman we see now, who’s forced to push out babies and within hours stand before the media with a smile. Who’s frumpy and spinster like clothing have been compared to that of the mother in Rosemary’s Baby.
Meghan has made it clear that she does not identify as Black, and it’s disturbing seeing the many Black women who are lauding her marriage as some sort of victory for the sisterhood. Meghan has spent her life answering questions about her racial identity, (per her own words), struggling to choose one over the other (and why should she), but it is very clear that the side she chose whether consciously or unconsciously, was the side that ultimately shamed her.
So, I won’t be setting my DVR to record her wedding, nor will I get up early to watch, but I will wish her well for her transformation is almost complete…her mother has reportedly quit her job, seemingly preparing to fade into non-existence and no other Black relatives seem to exist.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach