How The Democrats Really Won VA Governor’s Race And How African Americans Should be Angry…
Buried deep inside the laughter and celebration of the Democrats winning of Virginia’s Governor’s race is the unspoken story of how they actually pulled it off. After decades of systemic oppression, mass incarceration and felony disenfranchisement at the hands of democrats; their only hope in winning and maintaining VA’s Governor’s mansion was the restoration of voting rights to felons…the very felons they’d profited from for decades and had never cared about before now.
The Democratic Party is a cesspool of corruption, lies and covert racism. I am happy for all of those whose rights were restored in VA but I’m not happy why they were used by the same party who once again is profiting from them. As Melissa Harris Perry discusses below, there are an estimate of more than 6M votes lost at the state level due to felony disenfranchisement. Policies that were put in place by Bill Clinton’s and Democrats draconian Crime Bill and exacerbated by the unprecedented numbers created by Mass Incarceration.
It was heartwarming seeing the faces of black men who were given an opportunity to vote but also sad that they felt voting for their oppressors was a cause to celebrate. The Democratic Party has spent decades ensuring the erasure and systemic oppression of black men, destroying generations of families. They have worked hard over the past 8yrs to further the blight of Black spaces with gentrification…putting an end to affordable housing, while building fancy dog parks and animal hospitals as African American’s are pushed further into the inner cities of poverty and homelessness.
Over the past 8yrs., African Americans lost over 53% of their wealth while being told that the rise of a Black President and a few black elite, was somehow progress. This elevation of the black elite was supported by the black political class (CBC) who are responsible for aiding in the oppression of Black people via policies like privatization, globalization and other oppressive policies that further disenfranchise the poor.
I can’t begin to tell you how disgusting reading the above headline was to me. When 99% of these felons are unable to obtain jobs or housing because of the same crime bill that ended their voting rights. However, democrats see a need to use African Americans once again and nothing is beneath the purview of democrats when it comes to using African Americans for their gain…Donna Brazile has made that very clear for all those who needed confirmation. There is some consolation in this article for me and that’s knowing that black women like Melissa Harris Perry, will not be silenced even though shills like Keith Boykin and Joy Reid are all to willing to play Patsey the Slave and Stephen from DJango…
From Russia With Love,