How the #MeToo Movement Has Morphed Into A Powershift For Rich White Women…
It’s amazing watching the hypocrisy and intended agendas of the many rich Hollywood celebrity white women, who are now all taking their selective bows and turns to attack Weinstein. One celebrity after another chosing to step forward with their own stories of Weinstein and other celebrity male accusers, everyone waited with bated breath as Uma Thurmond danced with the media in choosing when she was going to speak and to what she would possibly say. Here strategic plan to wait until Thanksgiving day was laughable if not insulting. It was all built to a great creshenda, until voila’ she decided it was time to make the most out of the moment. Then came Selma Hayek the latest of Hollywood celebrities who’ve accused Weinstein of rape or sexual assault.
Sadly, what was missed in all of this was the outrage from liberal media, women’s groups, #pussyhat crowd or Hollywood, of a white doctor of the girl’s olympic teams who had literally raped and assaulted, young pre-pubescent girls (not grown women, as is the case with Weinstein) and who’s accusers climbed to upwards of 125 young girls. The abuse and rape of these young girls didn’t warrant the same outrage from liberal and rich white women because these young girls were not considered part of the elite, nor part of their political agendas. The same pussy hat crowd and liberal media who ignored the pains of young girls who were brave enough to come forward and tell their stories. The same pussy hate and Hollywood crowd who ranted for weeks about the difference between Roy Moore’s accusers vs. that of Weinstein, Conyers and Franken because Moore’s 40 year old stories were more disturbing because they were children.
The same Liberal Feminists and Hollywood pussy hat crowd who organized and orchestrated a mass march on Washington during Trump’s inauguration, marched not out of anger for his pussy grabbing words but because their choice of a rich white woman and sexual predator enable didn’t get elected. The same rich white women who knew of Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and many others, sat quietly as they became rich or gained influence from these despicable sexual predators. The same rich white women, who cheered Oscar nominations and awards for convicted child rapist, Roman Polanski…rather than demand that the Academy remove his name from nomination or demanding that his films never be allowed within the US.
These women are planning a coup to shift power from rich white male dominance to that of rich white women dominance. We’ve seen what having rich white women in charge means:
- Senator Joe Manchin’s daughter, Heather Bresch and her EpiPen price hike failure of greed and corruption.
- Yahoo’s CEO, Marissa Mayer’s first order of business was to band working from home.
- Penny Pritzker, “Obama’s Secretary of Commerce”, subprime mortgage bank fraud scandal in Chicago, sued for not paying Hyatt employees minimum wage, investigated for offshore tax evasion.
- Carly Fiorina’s disastrous record at Hewlett Packard
- Madeleine Albright’s disastrous and murderous record as Secretary of State.
- Hillary Clinton, approved Bush’s illegal war in Iraq, destroyed Libya, robbed Haiti, laughed at a 13yr old child rape victim, poisoned Africa, called Black youth Super Predators.
There are many more examples of women in power who have done the very same things their male predecessors have done or worse. The narrative of women being in power in all aspects of society is their new calling card. However, what they’re failing to tell you is that it is ONLY a certain demographic, political party and ethnicity of women that they’re quietly pushing. White liberal feminism is a cancer that needs to be exposed for what it is. They’ve used Black & Brown women ad nauseam to push for their agendas under the guise of feminism, yet like Affirmative Action, they’ve always co-opted any movement that was for Black women to only be about them. As Hollywood feminists rant against Trump and pretend faux allegiances to Black women, their husbands are pushing laws to ensure that poor Black kids aren’t allowed in their schools that they’ve gentrified in the first place.
The sheer fact that they’ve convinced Black women and others to see them as victims would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous and destructive. The saddest part of about this entire movement is that Black women are continuing to buy into their faux support and unwilling to see that it’s nothing more than a power shift from their rich white fathers, husbands and sons, to elevate rich white women…who will ultimately go home to those same fathers, husbands and sons, that they pretend to be against and laugh all the way to their generations of wealth bank accounts (panama papers) that they’ve amassed off the backs of Black and Brown women who fell for their con…many whose stock portfolio’s are lined with private prison stocks and other disturbing companies.
Rich white women are no cause da jour, they’ve reigned and controlled positions of power for centuries, one only has to look at the current Monarchy in the UK, to know that this is true, most people couldn’t even tell you who the King is or what he looks like because it is a white woman (Queen Elizabeth) who rules and it is this same dominance that rich white women in US are seeking to achieve here. It’s sad watching Rose Gowan implode because most of what she’s saying is very true.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach