I Believe History: “WHITE WOMEN LIE” #EmmittTill #Rosewood #ScottsboroBoys

5 min readSep 27, 2018


I actually thought that the Democratic Party had already sunken to the depths of hell with their lies and manipulating tactics when it came to identity politics. However, witnessing the pathetic and insane comments being levied around in support of the supposed victims of Brett Kavanaugh during his high school years, are disturbing. I watched the circus as elected politicians repeatedly state that they believe Ford’s accusations, even though every person she stated who was there (even her own personal friend), has denied her accounts of what occurred, or completely unable to confirm. I’ve watched organized and paid protestors, swarm the capitol with custom made shirts and signs, declaring their belief of Ford’s flimsy accusations. Kamala Harris was extra special in her rhetoric, never missing an opportunity to lament their slogan, “I believe survivors”, “I believe women”Yet the only thing I believe is history and the truth…WHITE women lie, all women lie, all people lie.

Emmitt Till & the white woman who lied — Carolyn Bryant Donham

It’s a dangerous and an a-historical road for democrats and women to pretend that women are saints incapable of lying and that every man who ever looks their way is somehow attempting to assault or rape them. It’s also a blatant lie that women don’t lie about rape or assault. It’s a fact that women have often weaponized rape and assault in angry breakups, or very bad and often-times high stakes divorce cases.

I am also angered that black women are joining this revenge of the angry rich white women brigade (masquerading themselves as champions of women’s rights), when history tells us that white women have been behind some of the most dangerous and deadly stories of lies against black men for centuries. Lies that have not only tarnished the names of the accused but have in many cases caused their deaths. Lest we all forget Emmitt Till, Rosewood, Scottsboro Boys and thousands of other untold stories of black men, who’s only crimes have been the mistake of being born a black man in America. Let us also be reminded of the lie told against a promising young athlete, Brian Banks who’s life was upended at sixteen for falsely being accused of rape .

The farce we’re seeing played out is another attempt by rich white women to make themselves victims and to manipulate and control politics for their own personal gains. Liberals use of Resistance, Me Too and feminists movements are the biggest threat to black women and black people of the 21st century. These women are seriously more dangerous than Jim Crow. They coyly use their gender to hide behind their own racism and privilege. They have successfully made themselves a protected class via quietly being added to the Civil Rights Bill (even above that of black people in general), and will do any and everything to ensure that it stays that way.

These movements are lead by white women like Amy Siskind (who voted for McCain), who now claims to be a Resistance member, yet she was also a member of Hillary Clinton’s PUMA’s (Party Unity My Ass) who used racially charged language against Obama, and worked hard against him after Hillary’s loss. All of these movements that have risen after Hillary’s loss during both Obama and Trump eras, are nothing but movements to avenge angry ‘rich’ white women who are angered that they were not able to put a white woman’s face in the highest position in the world. These entire movements are about trading in one form of white patriarchal power for that of white matriarchal power, all going home to the same racists beds at night. They have nothing to do with the issues that face average women and especially black women specifically, whom they use with impunity for every agenda they seek.

Today the Democratic Party and their liberal media co-conspirators proved even further the trash that they are and how they don’t give a damn about black people and have made a mockery out of our issues. It’s beyond insulting that MSNBC had David Brock on their show today discussing how bad it was for Anita Hill, when he was the hired gun who destroyed her for the GOP and coined the phrase about her, “a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty”…and years later the democrats have hired him to work as an agent and provocateur for their Resistance.

David Brock has the audacity to say that Christine Blasey-Ford’s treatment is shabbier treatment than Anita Hill. Please process that for a moment in its full context…the man who literally destroyed Anita Hill during her testimony against Clarence Thomas, is now complaining that Christine Blasey-Ford’s treatment is shabbier!!!! Also notice how racist David Brock addresses Ford vs Hill, both hold professional degrees…but only Ford gets the respect.

It’s also sad how quickly black people sellout those they claim to represent once they’re offered a shiny object or momentary piece of the limelight. Tarana Burke who created the #MeToo slogan over 10yrs ago in an effort to highlight black women who are often left out of the conversations about sexual abuse, couldn’t get an article in a local paper before, but was prominently seen smiling and walking (walking dutifully behind Alysia Milano, like the good little paid token she is now) thru the senate today with her white women handlers….when in fact, the only reason she is being acknowledged is because Alysia Milano made the mistake of using #MeToo to describe Rose McGowan’s allegations against Weinstein, and after her use of it went viral amongst rich white women and Hollywood crowds, she was reminded by black twitter where the term came from and they quickly had to include her to appease black women.

So now that Burke has gotten her coins and limelight, she’s ready to allow #MeToo to be co-opted and all about elevating rich white women. At the end of the day one has to honestly ask themselves why have democrats fought so vehemently for Roe vs. Wade (and Planned Parenthood) to stay a constitutional right for women to abort predominantly black babies, when they have never fought this hard to ensure that black babies once born are even afforded a basic and equal education. Where has this same fight been to protect black people from systemic injustices (Flint) and protection against police abuse and murders?

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach🍑




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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