If Only Michelle Obama Was Speaking Up for the Children of Flint! #ImmigrantChildren

4 min readJun 19, 2018


The last I checked the children of Flint were still without water, a contamination that culminated under her husbands watch, allowed by a GOP Governor and created by democrats (NAFTA) who ran the entire state, Detroit and Flint for decades. Democrats are now throwing around words like, ā€˜internment campsā€™ to describe immigrant housing, words to invoke fear and anger in their electorate but were silent when Obama did virtually the same. If they really want to see an area of children oppression that resembles an interment camp, they should go to Flint and look into the faces of children and babies who are poisoned for life and generations affected as well.

Flint child poisoned for life

However, like now with Immigration, Flint was used by democrats as a political tool in 2016 and then left to die after it was over. Black children were the original dreamers that MLK spoke of, yet our children have been dismissed as super predators, thugs and no longer worthy of a fight; while 75% of Black boys in California are reading below the state reading levels and equal number of homelessness across the US in cities that are controlled by democrats. Homelessness in America is about both race and poverty but democrats are refusing to address it because being poor and Black is not a political talking point they care to ignite. Democrats know that any talks on Black children and poverty would lead directly to their doorsteps.

I feel sorry for immigrant children who are either being forced to come her by criminals, are who are actually coming here for asylum and/or a better life. However, this game that democrats are playing pretending to have a conscious while the children of Flint are still without clean water, Californiaā€™s child homeless rate skyrocketing, San Francisco & Los Angeles being labeled worse than third world countries, is insulting. Where was Michelle, Laura Bush, Rosyln Carter, and Hillary in April when a report came out that there would be no more free water for Flint? Democrats were silent because Flint is not their new talking point anymore, theyā€™re looking to control the Latino/Hispanic votes, so damn the children of Flint.

In 2013 there were a recorded 2.5 million children who were homeless within the USA, where was Michelle Obama, Democrats or her husband? Nancy Pelosiā€™s city of San Francisco has become a cesspool of poverty and drug abuse, yet Democrats continue to allow her to stay in office, and liberal media refuses to focus in on the ā€˜deplorableā€™ state of California and the ā€˜deplorableā€™ conditions people are being forced to live, for fear of hurting democrats who love to brag of its political control of the state.

Maybe if the families of the children of Flint, Chicago and the rest of these democratic strongholds (that have allowed the poverty and decline of these communities), would take their children to a border state and demand a safe haven, theyā€™d have clean water also. Itā€™s really telling that the facilities housing immigrant children are providing them clean water and food that many of children within the USA arenā€™t getting.

The Democratic Party nor Michelle Obama, gives a damn about what happens to these children. Michelle sat silent and chose to basically pick cotton in the White House (with her pathetic garden), instead of using her voice and education to really do something substantive for Black people and especially Black children (Chicago) and the poor. And for her silence, she was rewarded with endless magazine covers giving her praise and adoration, never ending access to Hollywood celebrities, Wall Street payday and an unprecedented Netflix deal.

Democrats and feminists love talking about how liberated they are, yet Michelle was relegated to basically doing the very thing that slaves once did on those same historic grounds. Iā€™m sure our ancestors were turning over in their graves with the pathetic image it portrayed. Michelle allowed herself to be weakened and silenced, when she was the most educated first lady in history, all while Hillary as first lady was allowed to write policy and be seen as strong, Michelle chose to retreat for fear of the too strong Black woman attacks. Michelle Obama should take some advice and stick to what she and her husband are good at, and thatā€™s craven capitalism and corporate greedā€¦Iā€™d respect her honesty then.

Poisoned Child in Flint

FYI: Anyone who doesnā€™t like what Iā€™ve said, donā€™t read my blog; Iā€™m not here to appease people with politically correct group thinkā€¦nor some popularity contest. The truth is uncomfortableā€¦but itā€™s still the TRUTH.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeachšŸ‘

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit ā€” Unapologetically BLACK!

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