3 min readApr 24, 2018


If you’re going to critique what I write and feel as a black woman, then at least be accurate in your assessment. I never once said that #MarchForOurLives was racist; I clearly said that the democrats agendas were racists in that none of this love and support was ever shown to African Americans over the past 8yrs of unprecedented police brutality and murders under Obama.

It is very clear that this is an orchestrated attempt by democrats to garner votes for mid-term and nothing more than political theater. They sat silent and did nothing when small children at Sandy Hook were slaughtered like animals…all because of politics and b/c Obama was in office. They also claim such disdain for guns and gun violence, yet Obama & Hillary sold more weapons (by the same manufacturers) and ammunition than any president/SOS in history. The mass bombings and deaths of poor and innocent children we’ve seen over the last few weeks in Syria and Middle East, were all thanks to Obama’s ammo, do these children's lives not matter?….The real joke is these same gun manufacturers are simply laughing at this latest con job because they know both parties are beholding to the Military Industrial Complex and they will always be profitable.

As for black people hitching our issues to the wagon of white people, we’ve already done that and the results were damning. White women conned black women into joining hands with them on women’s rights and now they’re the face of feminism and somehow victims, not to mention the fact that white women took over Affirmative Action that was set aside for women of color, and signed on with their rich white husbands company’s as a minority and made them even richer by garnering gov’t contracts set aside for black women business owners. White LGBTQ did the same with gay rights.

#MarchForOurLives was about upper class white students and protecting them from mass murders at schools, an issue that does not affect black people because unlike white students, black students have been subjected to in school searches, metal detectors and monitoring for decades…democrats love their pipelines to prison via criminalizing of black youth. Black students can’t count own decent books, computers and heat in their schools but they can always count on having a police walking the halls and metal detectors.


04/05/2018 08:53 am ET

Black Parkland Students Want Peers To ‘Share The Mic’

“It hurts, because they went all the way to Chicago to hear these voices when we’re right here,” one student said.

By Sarah Ruiz-Grossman


Black students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School hold a press conference on March 28, 2018, in Parkland, Florida.



Black Parkland Students Feel Profiled by School Police and Ignored by Media

Minority students at Stoneman Douglas High School want the national media to know that their concerns following last month‘s deadly shooting go beyond just gun violence.

Lastly, you want black people/students to hitch their issues to that of #MarchForOurLives Parkland students on a national level, when white Parkland students denounced #BlackLivesMatter during Black History Month in there schools newspaper, and wrote that #AllLivesMatter…when a student attempted to address it she was cut off by a school teacher and not allowed to do so…so please do your research before addressing anything that I write on this platform because I’ve definitely done mine.

FYI: Black Lives Matter being paid to march in a protests does not impress nor move me in any way…and the Women’s March was trash also, nothing more than a sour grapes protest because Hillary lost…you all should be thankful b/c had she won, Weinstein would never have been exposed and he and Bill Clinton would be trading bimbo’s in the white house….

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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