I’m not looking to impress you…and you’re are purposely being obtuse. I never once said that what Trump was doing wasn’t bad but I also don’t believe in open borders. As for as MSM, you’re purposely ignoring my point and I won’t continue this discussion if you’re not at least pretending to be honest about your critiques. I will REPEAT: MSM did NOT come after Obama for ANY of his many transgressions and lies that he told and also hidden to the American people, they were purposely complicit…these are FACTS and no amount of your denying it will change that…
Lastly, I also don’t care what you’re tired of hearing….you know what I’m tired of hearing, day after day a black man, woman boy or girl being attacked or gunned down by police. Until our issues are seriously addressed I will continue to show the hypocrisy of the democratic party who enjoys 90% of the Black vote, I have no real condemnation for Trump or GOP, Black people are not voting for them in mass nor do they don’t take our votes and use them against us. I said what I said & if you don’t like that, you have options.
Charlie Peach