I’m sorry I totally disagree with that. I live here in Atlanta and have watched Abrams political rise and know many people who are friends and supporters of hers. She is NOT the poor black girl they’re trying to portray her to be. She’s a very wealthy, intelligent black woman and it’s really sad that we continue to get sucked up in beautiful stories and cumbuya moments. Obama told a great fairytale, even through in being a Community Organizer to patronize black people when he was NO such thing…these are carefully picked and crafted stories and black faces who are used to continue white supremacy! I’ve heard Yvette and respectfully disagree with her view.
As far as who’s the most capable of the three black candidates, they ALL are capable of furthering white supremacy and continuing the democrats hold on black spaces w/o challenge of policies. REPEAT: The ENTIRE Congressional Black Caucus is OWNED by Wall St, Big Pharma, Prison Ind Complex, Military Ind Complex, the DNC & EVERYONE & EVERYTHING with exception of Black people.