Joe Biden: “Charlottesville was an epiphany, I have never seen anything like it in my lifetime”. -> #Selma #Birmingham #MLK etc.,🤷🏽‍♀️

7 min readApr 26, 2019


5 days of Newark, NJ unrest July 14, 1967 ~Don Hogan Charles of The NY Times

Joe Biden’s startling speech yesterday invoking Charlottesville Riots, as his cornerstone to run for president was shameful. His ahistorical assertion that the Charlottesville Riot was the worst event in his lifetime, is the continuation of Liberals intent to rewrite history and to place all things racist at the feet of President Trump. Sadly for Joe, Heather Heyer’s mom Susan Bro was not applauding his attempts to politically capitalize from her daughters murder.

“I wasn’t surprised, “Susan Bro told The Daily Beast. “Most people do that sort of thing. They capitalize on whatever situation is handy.”

Allow me to give Pro-Segregationist, and Crime Bill Joe Biden a much needed refresher course in the history of America’s RACIST past (note in all of these occurrences, Biden was in his mid to late 20's). Also allow me to start out with the the 1968 Democratic Convention Riot, labeled “The Week of Hate”:

  1. Ole Miss Race Riots — September 30, 1962 — October 1, 1962 — riot occurred when James Meredith when Southern Segregations were protesting his enrollment into Ole Miss. Two civilians, one a French journalist, were killed during the night, and over 300 people were injured,[1] including one-third of the US Marshals deployed.. However, being the anti-segregationist that you were back then; I’m sure you remember this quite well, or even perhaps unlike Bernie Sanders who was marching with King…perhaps you were participating with the segregationists!
  2. Birmingham Riots — May 11, 1963 — where police placed a bomb on A.D. Kings (MLK’s Bro.) front porch. Another bomb was set off at a local motel where MLK had been staying.
  3. Birmingham Church Bombings — September 15, 1963 — bomb detonated at 16th Street Baptist Church, killing “four” little black girls attending Sunday School.
  4. The Harlem Riot July 16th — 22, 1964 — the riots began when the police killed James Powell a 15yr old kid. Several protesters were severely beaten by NYPD officers. At the end of the conflict, reports counted one dead rioter, 118 injured, and 465 arrested.
  5. Rochester Race Riots July 24, 1964 — the riots began when police attempted to arrest a 19yr old intoxicated black male at a street block party dance. It ended with 4 people dead, 350 injured and 1000 arrested. Peace was restored after three days, and only after Governor Nelson Rockefeller called out the New York National Guard, the first such use of troops in a northern city since the Civil War.
  6. Philadelphia race riot August 28 to August 30, 1964 — took place in the predominantly black neighborhoods of North Philadelphia after word that police had beaten a pregnant black woman to death. Tensions between black residents of the city and police had been escalating for several months over several well-publicized allegations of police brutality.[1] This riot was one of the first in the civil rights era and followed the 1964 Rochester race riot and Harlem riot of 1964 in New York City.
  7. Selma to Montgomery and Bloody Sunday March 7–25, 1965 (18days) — I don’t even have to tell Joe the history of Bloody Sunday because John Lewis has never allowed anyone to forget.
  8. Los Angeles Watts Riot August 11–16, 1965 — On August 11, 1965, Marquette Frye, an African-American motorist on parole for robbery, was pulled over for reckless driving.[2][3] A minor roadside argument broke out, and then escalated into a fight with police.[2] Community members reported that the police had hurt a pregnant woman, and six days of civil unrest followed.[3] Nearly 4,000 members of the California Army National Guardhelped suppress the disturbance, which resulted in 34 deaths[4] and over $40 million in property damage. It was the city’s worst unrest until Rodney King incident.
  9. Long Hot Summer of 1967 — refers to the 159 race riots that erupted across the United States in 1967.[2][3][4] In June there were riots in Atlanta, Boston, Cincinnati, Buffalo, and Tampa. In July there were riots in Birmingham, Chicago, New York City, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New Britain, Rochester, and Plainfield. This resulted in 85 deaths, 2100 injuries and 11,000 arrests.
  10. Orangeburg Massacre February 8, 1968 — The approximately 200 protesters had previously demonstrated against racial segregation at a local bowling alley. Three of the protestors, African-American males, were killed and twenty-seven other protesters were injured.
  11. Martin Luther King Assassination April 4, 1968 — The King assassination riots, also known as the Holy Week Uprising, was a wave of civil disturbance which swept the United States following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968. It was the greatest wave of social unrest the United States had experienced since the Civil War. It left 40 dead, 2500 injured, and over 15,000 arrested. April 4, Memphis, Tennessee, precipitates all April 4–14 riots, including:

It amazes me how white liberals have never held police accountable for the bold and racists attacks they have levied on African Americans throughout history, but they will all stand firm together to demand the ending of ICE and denounce their abuse of illegal immigrants.

In the case of Joe Biden, perhaps instead of calling him “Sleepy Joe”, his name should be “Rip Van Winkle Joe”…because clearly he slept through the entire 1960’s race riots; the worst race riots since the end of slavery. Actually Joe wasn’t asleep nor did he forget, but white men like Joe place no value on black lives (other than their usefulness in pushing their agendas or voting).

I’m sure Joe was too busy plagiarizing a speech in his law school paperwork to pay attention to what was going on all around him in the 60’s. Interestingly Biden’s behavior in law school was no different than the fraud we are seeing with Celebrity College Cheating Scandals today.

In Charlottesville Biden saw the death of a “white” woman at a riot as the worst event to ever occur in his lifetime; that was definitely the first in US history that a white woman was the only person killed in a race riot.

Lastly, white liberals would like for all of us to forget the past racist atrocities of the USA, along with the many times that they themselves played a hand in its criminality and racism. They are all refusing to acknowledge their historical role in slavery, Jim Crow, Prison Industrial Complex and their overall impacts on African Americans (because many of these polices were implemented by liberals and Joe Biden is the architect of the Crime Bill). However, they have been pedaling Trump as the architect of all things racists since his election and sadly many people are falling for the lie. I won’t be feared into voting for someone with Joe Biden’s racist history (ever) or any presidential candidate that does not speak directly to the issues that affect African Americans. Biden was also the hand that instructed Obama to give $13M to Jewish Holocaust survivors, while he and his administration refused reparations for ADOS. As long as liberals are allowed to erase America’s racist past and their overall hands in it, this will give them an intended out in not dealing with Reparations for ADOS.

#ADOS #Reparations2020 or bust…

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach🍑




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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