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John Lewis and Barbara Lee Voted “AGAINST” the FIRST ACT Bill on Prison Reform That Trump Agreed To Sign? #AliceMarieJohnson
Black people are being manipulated and lied to by Black politicians, paid co-intel pro Black ‘Actorvists’ and Black celebrities, who’s only agendas are to maintain the status quo of White Supremacy that allows them their perch of indignation and grandeur. They have collectively weaponized Black fear, pain and political ignorance to keep us all in enslaved as they reap the benefits of their good deeds from their Liberal masters. Deray McKesson who lived in the Obama White House and has made a fortune from pedaling Black fear, yet he did nothing to secure the release of Alice Johnson. He along with the endless lines of celebrities who stayed in Obama’s White House did NOT lobby for Johnson, and could have easily done so, but instead these ‘slave catchers’ who are PAID to tweet and mislead, are posting negative comments to ensure that no one gets any ideas of escaping the liberals plantation.
Yesterday, I stumbled upon a story by the Intercept that spoke of Black activists being harassed for their agreeing to meet with Trump on Prison Reform. Yet, all I’ve read since Kim Kardashian meeting with Trump is, “Why was she there and not someone else?” The mental gymnastics and ignorance that these people spew never ceases to amaze me. It’s a…