The Two Faces of John Lewis, No Longer a Hero but a Mouthpiece for White Supremacy…
I know this story will not sit well with many people, especially African Americans who live for a hero and are too mentally enslaved to see beyond the smoke and mirrors. However, John Lewis the famed civil rights leader who never misses a moment to shed a tear and tell us all about his blow to his head during Bloody Sunday, is no longer the icon that he was once lauded to be. One could argue that he was never really the hero he was painted to be but a young man, (who’s organization SNCC was counter to what MLK & SCLC preached and also ran afoul to him/them but as usual white supremacy, will always whitewash and choose who they want to represent us) who just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. SNCC’s first Chairman was the late Marion Berry (a man no matter his faults who truly fought for his people)…interesting that we never saw John Lewis singing praises to him upon his death or defending him in life…then there was the lies that Lewis told to win his current lifetime seat as US Congressman against the also now deceased, Julian Bond.
Washington Post: Atlanta’s White Minority Crucial to Lewis’ Victory
By Art Harris September 4, 1986
It was one of the most curious biracial coalitions to emerge in the urban Deep South in many a year.
The white minority had joined hands Tuesday with enough poor and middle-class blacks in this majority black city to award the Democratic nomination to underdog congressional candidate John Lewis, who few had thought had a prayer against smooth-talking, well-financed state Sen. Julian Bond.
“I may not speak 120 words a minute, and may leave an ‘s’ off the end of a word, but I tried to reach out to everyone,” said Lewis, 46, as supporters pressed forward to pose for victory snapshots. “I think people just felt they could trust me.”
“It’s the coming of age of black politics,” said city councilman Bill Campbell, a young black lawyer and top Lewis strategist. “No longer can an elite group of black power brokers dictate the outcome of an election to the black community. It’s a victory for the little people . . . and white voters. It underscores the power of the minority.”
In September of 1986, the headlines of who was behind the win of John Lewis was clear, and what should have been clearer to African Americans of the decades of his terms in office, is that he is beholden ONLY to those same people. What’s even more glaring are the words of former Atlanta Mayor, Bill Campbell and how the words that he state then are the complete opposite of what actually has manifested today, because it is the black elite and the white power structure in Atlanta who dictates all elections here and across the USA.
John Lewis has done nothing for the black community that he was once ushered in to represent. His loyalty was not to the poor blacks who bought into the tears of Lewis as he repeated his brutal abuse on bloody Sunday. Lewis was able to corner the less sophisticated and poor black voters, tapping into their fears of years of racial inequality and Jim Crow. However, it was the white voters who financed his campaign then and now, that his one and only loyalty lies. Over the years he has helped reshape his district to ensure that he remains in power unencumbered by the threat of a real challenger. Lewis is not the champion of civil rights that he once claimed to be, he is now the unofficial mascot for the democratic establishment and the Military Industrial Complex, trotted out at their behest and only when Pelosi and Schumer see a need to further their racist 1% agendas.
Ironically, John Lewis and the democratic establishment embody the type of mind control and puppetry that Carter B. Woodson, so eloquently spoke of. Sadly, many of you don’t know or have never heard of Carter B. Woodson, because per liberals, the only black leaders/activists for black people are MLK, Obama and of course Lewis. Any black leader who opposed the duopoly and freeing of the minds of black people were systemically erased, denounced and/or ignored.
When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. ~Carter G. Woodson
If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto. ~Carter G. Woodson
No truer words can ever be spoken when it comes to the mind control of black people by the democratic party.
Over the past 9 years of unprecedented protests by black lives matter against police brutality, not one time did the democratic party pass or push any laws against the systemic police brutality or gun violence within the black community. Instead, Obama during the midst of the second Ferguson uprising, passed the Blue Alert Law to protect police. Can you imagine the uproar and media debates and protests, if Trump suddenly passed a bill to protect NRA immediately after Parkland? Not once over the past 9 years of unprecedented protests against police brutality did the Congressional Black Caucus and especially John Lewis do one sit-in or demands for change as they/he have done for Immigration, LGBTQ or now Parkland students. Instead Lewis has patronized and insulted black students and those fighting against police brutality at every turn. Lewis responded to BLM Atlanta students protest with the below tweet, basically denouncing their protests and outrage and telling them they should do as he did and just thank the police for the systemic murders and abuse they have waged within the black community.
Rep. John Lewis: Black Lives Matter Protesters Should Respect Everyone’s Right To Be Heard
“You have to speak and and make some noise. So in that sense, [protesters] were speaking up. They were speaking out,” Lewis said in an interview with BuzzFeed News. “But we have to respect the right of everybody to be heard.” Posted on October 30, 2015, at 7:07 p.m. ~by: Darren Sands Buzzfeed Reporter
Other than the chasting of BLM students and coming out to an Atlanta march to make a speech, Lewis never used his ‘mouth’ to support BLM, or his presence to call for boycotts, marches or any other substantive support that he has done for Miami nightclub shooting, Immigrants, Israel and now Parkland. It’s amazing how these students were able to organize national protests, signs, shirts etc., things that took BLM over a year of unprecedented police bloodshed to achieve and only then after top leaders gave their souls to the democratic establishment.
The corportized John Lewis today is not the John Lewis who marched for Civil Rights in the 60’s. When Lewis purposely lied against Bernie Sanders for Hillary Clinton; I knew then that he was a corrupt fraud who’s only agenda is his own faux legacy and power. Martin Luther King, would never allow liberals to name a warship after him but that’s exactly what Lewis has done…a warship and a gift from Zionist for his betrayal of black people.
How does a man who gained his fame by marching with MLK and preaching peace, accept a gift of a warship being named for him and what exactly did he do to garner such gift? Wake up black people, that ship was named for his complete complicity in ensuring you stay firmly put on the democrats plantation of lies and degradation of the black community/family (‘super predators’ & crime bills). Lewis has protested over the last several weeks against the mass murders of Parkland students and against the NRA, yet he stands firm in his owner’s (AIPAC), support of bombing and murdering of innocent Palestinian children in Gaza. Lewis along with the democratic party, have always gone after the low lying fruits for distraction, all while Obama and dems sold more weapons to foreign countries of any president and party in history.
The sale of guns and weapons within the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Obama administration outweighed any amount of sales that the NRA’s powerful role could ever do. Clearly it’s okay to shoot, drone, bomb and mass murder innocent civilians in other countries as long as it’s not white children at home being murdered.
Under Obama, the United States Has Sold More Than $115 Billion in Weapons to Saudi Arabia.
And that includes cluster bombs, an explosive that’s been outlawed by 119 countries. By Rebecca Gordon
DECEMBER 12, 2016 — The Nation
The same gun manufacturers who were behind the guns in Sandy Hook are also the same gun manufacturers who liberals with Obama, increased their bottom line by billions during his two terms in office. It’s insulting that Lewis can march with Parkland students against gun violence but also proudly accept and showoff his warship naming. It’s very clear that Lewis and liberals only care about gun violence when the people being murdered are not black or brown. So, if Lewis really cared about gun victims and gun control, the last thing he’d be celebrating or accepting is a warship named for him, and if democrats cared about gun control; they’d also go after police reform and the gun violence they perpetrate on people of color daily, and then work to end the Military Industrial Complex that fosters massive gun violence around the world (and fund their campaigns).
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach