John McCain is NO HERO…#BombBombBombIran
As America and politicians on both sides of the isle began to pay tribute and salutations, erasing all the corruption and crimes that McCain committed, I hope people will remember a man that was so selfish in his dying days that he refused to step aside as US Senator and allow the people of Arizona to have the representation they deserved. A man so selfish that instead of speaking of redemption and self reflection, he chose to spew venom and rancor, from his dying bed. A man so corrupt and vile that he helped rob billions from hard working Americans, but like many in Washington, his families wealth (white privilege) and personal ties kept him from the many criminal prosecutions he deserved.
It’s too bad John McCain didn’t support Trump, or we would all know what a warmonger and war criminal he really was. However, since he was anti-Trump, liberal media (which has the largest number of outlets) has worked tirelessly to whitewash what a corrupt warmonger & racist he really was. McCain’s only patriotism was to America’s war machine that her served and fed with great veracity and might.
May he meet the same fate that he imposed on the many Black, Brown and Yellow countries around the world. May his last days and hours have been filled with the haunting faces of the many innocent children his lust for wars murdered, as he profited in their deaths. May he #RIH… May all of the victims he’s murdered or helped send to their graves, now rest in eternal peace!! #Iraq #Iran #Palestine #Vietnam #Africa #Yemen #Cambodia and more…
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach