Joy Reid Blames the Black Community for Her Homophobic LGBTQ ‘Past’ Beliefs!
The recent revelations of Joy Reid’s homophobic views in an old blog post that she ran over 10 years ago, should not surprise anyone of its validity. Joy spends hours every day on twitter attacking people as her sheep herded and politically biased audience, cheer her on with glee. Anyone who dared not follow the liberals corporate 1% agenda, were fodder for her attacks. How dare a black person support Bernie Sanders or a celebrity like Susan Sarandon; who was constantly at the end of Joy’s brutal and sophomoric tongue.
Yet Joy blamed her past blogs on just that ‘her past’(wink)…when there are many recent posts that show she is still the same vile and disgusting liar now that she was then, the only thing that changed was which direction the paychecks were flowing and the size of those paychecks. It’s laughable that one of the many people who came under fire by Joy Reid was racist Ann Coulter, if only Joy could find a mirror that wasn’t airbrushed/skin lightened and white washed for her audience, she’d know that she and Ann have a lot in common (both are vile human beings).
I don’t know what’s more insulting, the fact that Joy claimed she was hacked and was later found a LIAR, or that she used the black community as an excuse as to why her views were homophobic back then (wink). Joy claims that like many black families she was raised to believe that homosexuality was a sin. What Joy didn’t say is that her parents are African and that homosexuality in some African countries to this day is a crime punishable with years in prison. Joy won’t acknowledge where her real root and hate of homosexuals came from and it was NOT from African Americans, it was from her African family upbringing. Many African Americans past or present beliefs on homosexuality was attributed to Black Americans devout belief in the white man’s Christianity, but the contradiction and lie in what Joy said is that hate was never taught in African American households and neither were her vile and hateful words a common place in black family conversations. You couldn’t then or now find a black church whose choir director wasn’t or isn’t gay. It was common knowledge that no matter the beliefs of the black church, they never denied LGBTQ members and especially when it came to the choir.
I have also never heard or witnessed anyone, especially a supposed Harvard educated black person use such vile and destructive language when discussing LGBTQ. As for me, my parents were pretty liberal, our family and friends who we knew were gay were always welcomed and loved in our home. I also knew that in most black family households, the subject of homosexuality was taboo and rarely spoken of or hidden (hence the term closet). It’s shameful that not only is Joy a bold faced liar and a supposed journalist; she also is using this tired lie that black families are the most anti-gay group of people to ever exist. It was insulting watching Joy’s resident paid black gay MSNBC mouthpiece, Jonathan Capehart and their carefully choreographed lie blaming the black family for homophobia. Capehart the lying elitist and token Uncle Tom for MSNBC, who lied and said Mike Brown did not have his hands up (yet a CNN video captured two white men working on a electrical poll screaming, he had his hands up), and many other lies that he was never been held accountable for. I guess now it makes sense that lying Eric Holder defended Joy Reid also…the same Eric Holder who split the difference in the Mike Brown case to give both sides a small victory. More proof of the collusion and control of the deep state and its agenda.
Joy nor her paid mouthpiece, Jonathan Capehart, can blame this on black people as a whole because the over resounding history within the black community is that they simply did not discuss homosexuality. Joy said those things because that’s what she believes and what her African parents taught her. Joy knows saying those types of things now would end her career, and why she tried to cover them with a lie about hacking. What better lie than the hottest target and con game for liberals, than Russia and/or Hacking.
There are unsubstantiated rumors that MSNBC had Joy make up the story about hacking to minimize and erase her culpability and any cries for her firing, assuming that her cult following would fall for it but they were shocked when a liberal paper that Joy wrote for, ‘The Daily Beast’ used its on cyber expert to debunk Joy’s claims. FYI: The Daily Beast quickly fired Joy Reid after learning of her latest homophobic blog posts. So, after Joy was exposed for lying and her hacking story debunked; MSNBC quickly put into motion her lame mia culpa, replete with a gay cast to defend her.
Joy has no values or ethics that can’t be bought or paid for, a quick look at her writings and tweets over the past 10 years shows how quickly she flips when the narrative changes. She hated Hillary Clinton, lamented Bernie Sanders and applauded Donald Trump…all in the span of a few years. Yes, we all can change but Joy is a shapeshifter, she changes with whichever direction the liberals paid agenda directs her.
Again, what’s even more shocking is the elementary way that a woman with a Harvard education, wrote and crafted her words. After all, it was the simple word ‘feud’ that really exposed Joy for a lying fraud. It didn’t take long for another sharpeyed twitter sleuth, to see that many of her recent posts had ‘feud’ misspelled as ‘fued’, the same misspelling that was found in her supposed hacked blog posts.
As journalist David Sirota pointed out, it wasn’t about her past (wink) homophobic posts, but more about her lying while working as a journalist/talking head (Infotainer) for MSNBC, and even more troubling were the media elites who came to her defense even after knowing she had lied about her hacking story. Joy’s mia culpa that lasted for 40 minutes without a commercial break, went from her saying she couldn’t remember writing those horrible things to all of her guests singing her praises from the LGBTQ communities and not one who took her to task for her lying about being hacked. Joy’s, “I don’t remember writing” sounds a lot like Bill Clinton’s, “I did not have sex with that woman.”
It’s been an eye opener to watch the many liberal media talking heads who have came out to defend Joy Reid and ignore her blatant lying about hacking. The same media who hates that Trump calls them ‘Fake News’, the same media who have done all they could to silence the voices of anyone who doesn’t parrot their agendas. Russia hacking was the perfect con game to end the power of social media and Independent media. Rachel Maddow tweeted a gushing and glowing pronouncement of her support of Reid but not a word from her or any of their colleagues chasting her for her blatant lying.
Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda by: Noam Chomsky is a must read for any free thinker or someone who wants to be free.
You should ask yourselves where was Rachel Maddow and the rest of the Liberal media in defense of Melissa Harris Perry when MSNBC fired her for refusing to be a tool for liberals 1% white supremacist corporate agendas?
The answer is they all were silent because they would never go against the real agendas of liberal and corporate owned media, and Joy Reid is their new ‘trojan horse’ for the black community. Joy slithered into MHP’s slot without a care and has worked her lying ass off to ensure that she says and does all she can to keep that million dollar paycheck coming. Melissa H. Perry, refused to be used as a tool for MSNBC and allow them to have control over what she said on her show. Unlike Joy, who parrots anything told to her for a paycheck. Melissa simply forgot her place!
“I will not be used as a tool for their purposes,” she wrote. “I am not a token, mammy or little brown bobble head. I am not owned by Lack, Griffin or MSNBC.”~Melissa H. Perry
P.S. Shout out to my twitter friend Anne @AnneHanlon1 — your continued love and support for me, like many others on twitter, does not go unnoticed! XO
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach