Kamala Harris has played whatever ethnicity and role needed to advance her career…#NeverKamala
Kamala speaks often about the influence of her Indian mother and how she and only she, shaped her life. A mother who’s family came from wealth in India, and the caste system (tantamount to slavery) against the poor was a practiced with impunity, as it still is today.
However, she also learned that the Indian culture in America was not readily accepted during her formative years. She also knew that going to an HBCU she could stand out amongst the darker skinned girls, and not have to compete as hard as she would if she went to a predominantly white university. She would not be viewed as special had she been able to attend Harvard or Stanford. She then joins the AKA sorority, and everyone knows their history of colorism and how they were known for favoring light bright and damn near white complexion women. I’m sure going to Howard and joining the AKA sorority, was the last of anything black that Kamala associated with (other than Willie Brown of course). What church does she and her white husband attend? At least Obama and Michelle had a black community and church that they were a part of for decades, and as much as I dislike Obama; he didn’t spend his career locking up poor black people.
Kamala then moves on to California, armed with her faux blackness to use when needed and attends the University of California. I’m sure like Elizabeth Warren, she gained entrance as an ethnic group she’s not a member of. After this, she meets old and powerful Mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, and quickly becomes the non black woman concubine that he is known to only date, and ultimately sleeps her way all the way to the AG’s office.
In her US Senate race, realizing that she was up against a formidable hispanic competitor, she quickly became African-American again. She also married a wealthy Jewish white man in order to gain a wholesome image (because the US Senate seat was only a means to an end, being president was her only goal), and to drown out the stories of her many sexual indiscretions with married men.
Finally, now that she’s running for president and needs as many votes as possible to win, she has removed the veil of being an African-American or even a Black woman and refers to herself as an American. She knows that being just a Black woman will not gain her the power she craves, she also knows that there is a huge Indian population, Jamaican population that she needs as well. She also knows that the always ready to give their votes away to the chosen party favorite, black women will be ready and willing to ignore all of her lies and be the firewall she needs.
Kamala Harris-Emoff is a chameleon (racially ambiguous) and willing to be any ethnic group she needs to gain power as she’s done her entire life, while stepping on and over black women and the poor on her way to the top. It’s interesting that she’s being called Obama in a dress, yet she’s spouting all of Bernie Sanders’ policies that liberals claimed in 2016 were not realistic or possible. She’s full of shit and doesn’t mean anything she’s spewing, she’s not a Progressive, she’s Hillary Clinton 2.0…a neocon who was just pandering to AIPAC assuring them that she would ensure that Bibi is allowed to continue his apartheid in Israel.
In the era of #MeToo and Trump, liberals have a lot of nerve pushing a woman who slept her way into power, as a respectable candidate for president. It’s clear that CNN hasn’t learned from 2016 and are already choosing the corporate/deep states choice for 2020.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑