Kevin Hart Gets Attacked While Liberals Deify A Racist War Criminal…

6 min readDec 7, 2018


The intolerance of white liberals and the tokens who follow them has gotten to be more than annoying when it comes to their identity politics and bullying. The hypocrisy and axe they wield at anyone who does not bow or bend to their views is damaging. The LGBTQ community has become the very people they once lauded against. I witnessed their cruelty and bullying firsthand, yet no one ever calls them out for their out right racism, no one ever wants to admit that all of this out pouring love for the LGBTQ community has never been for Black LGBTQ or those of color. Perhaps the Oscars should be banned all together for their decades of awarding pedophiles, racists and rapists. Should we forgive them and accept their bogus apologies?

Kevin Hart is a comedian who like most comedians tell jokes for a living. Kevin made some jokes (and tweeted) about 10 years ago about gays, and also about not wanting his son to be gay. The man has since apologized multiple times for his words that offended them. However, for some reason someone did not want him to host the upcoming Oscars, so they decided to dig into his tweets from 10 years ago to attack and destroy his chances of hosting it. Within the 10 years that Kevin has made those jokes, he has gone on to become one of the highest paid comedians, made several movies and catapulted his career to stardom. These were some of the same people who waited until Nate Parker, made the movie Birth of A Nation, to come for him regarding a situation that occurred over a decade before and that he also had addressed many times over. Many have said that they came for Nate because he said that he would never play a gay character in a movie.

Resistance actress (and Super Predator Hillary lover) Jamie Lee Curtis, attacked Kevin Hart for his decades old tweets and for not apologizing the way she thought he should. However, she finds George H.W. Bush an honorable man. Bush, the same man who never apologized for his Willie Horton racist campaign, placing crack cocaine in poor Black communities, war on drugs, and a plethora of other war crimes that he committed. I guess Jamie thinks his stance on HIV/AIDS was also honorable, especially since so many gays died because of his inactions.

Jamie praises Bush as an honorable man, the same man who said this after blowing up an Iranian civilian airline killing over 290 innocent people:

“I will never apologize for the United States — I don’t care what the facts are… I’m not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.” ~George H.W. Bush

White liberal Ed Krassenstein, is especially interesting with his 24/7 tweets and lovefests for Hillary Clinton, the FBI and even this week praising George H.W. Bush. But Kevin must be brought to heel, and bend over for the LGBTQ for him to be accepted or forgiven. For those of you who don’t know Ed is somewhat of a liberal hero on social media. He and his scam artist brother have over a million followers.

Krassenstein’s TL is a lovefest for Mueller and the FBI, a man who lead an organization that is known for its systemic racism against Black people. Ed along with his brother are both gay, and contrary to what they say, are paid to tweet for liberals and allowed by Jack and @twitter to say whatever they want with no consequences. In his tweet below he feels that Kevin needs to prove himself!!! Yes, Ed is saying that a Black man must bow to the LGBTQ and prove his love and acceptance. I’m actually curious what would he have to do to achieve this so-called acceptance.

@MSNBC’s Joy Reid who is not a comedian, tweeted some very mean and horrific tweets about the LGBTQ community some years ago as well, but since she’s a useful negro/tool (to keep Black folk on their plantation) for the left, they’ve allowed her a pass. Alec Baldwin is known for his disturbing temper and homophobic and racist rants, yet he’s the lefts hero because he mocks Trump and he’s also hosted the Oscars.

I don’t know what it’s going to take for Black people to realize that white liberals are not our friends. We are only of relevance to them when we are carrying their water of white supremacy, and political agenda of the day. Kevin would be just fine telling jokes about Black people and other ethnic groups, he forgot that there are three groups that Black people are not allowed to joke about, hold accountable or call out all together, and they are: White women, LGBTQ and Jews. White liberals have been on a mission to destroy black men for a while now and especially those who are straight. Marc Lamont Hill, though not straight, made the unfortunate error of calling out Apartheid Israel. I guess Kevin and Lamont should be thankful, because Black French comedian Dieudonne was jailed for making jokes about Jews in 2015, especially since Chuck Schumer trying to pass a bill to make it a crime to criticize Israel, but don’t worry they will keep you all entertained with 24/8 Trump derangement.

However, it seems that Zionist Chuck Schumer’s cousin/niece, Amy Schumer (who is NOT in the least bit funny) gets a pass from the outrage brigade and LGBTQ Bullying Alliance, for her ‘homophobic’ tweet…and of course, her being a wealthy white woman and Jewish, she’s allowed to say and do whatever she pleases.

Then we have white Jewish comedian, Sarah Silverman, who’s said and done some very racist and controversial things but she has never been condemned by Hollyweird or the LGBTQ community for doing so. Her tweet from 8 yrs ago is just fine and not to mention her blackface…interesting that conservative Megyn Kelly spoke about not understanding why blackface was controversial and was kicked off of NBC, but liberal/feminist/Jewish Sarah Silverman goes full blackface and not a word or care.

Free Speech for these perpetually offended, angry and racist people will never exist again until we stand up and stop bending to their every whim. We applauded when the came for Roseanne, alt right Infowars and many others, now social media and the big tech companies are silencing anyone they deem not in line with their agendas.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Blacks, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Black.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.

Lastly, I’ve always said that white people stand by their own while we help them destroy our men/women. In 10 years or more these same white liberals will be praising Trump and lauding Ivanka and Melania as queens. While Black men like Kevin Hart and Nate Parker will be banned for life.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach





Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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