Laura Bush and US Liberal Media’s Lies and Propaganda Driven By the Deep State #ImmigrantChildren

6 min readJun 18, 2018


Waking up this morning and seeing the top news headline of Laura Bush’s ‘scathing’ column on Trump’s Immigration Policy was shocking, especially since it was her husband who actually created the policy and Obama who amplified it 300 times over. It’s amazing to read that Laura Bush was so unnerved and bothered by the images of immigrant children being ‘snatched’ from their parents, yet she has never uttered a word about her war criminal husbands brutal mass murder of innocent children in Iraq. Did Laura Bush, liberal media, Hollywood or Democrats have an issue when Madeleine Albright stated that 500,000 dead Iraqi children was worth it? Actually, instead of any backlash to Albright, they made her a feminist heroine and continue to laud and praise her to this day. And we already know that if Albright admitted to murdering 500,000 Iraqi children, that that number was far more.

Innocent children mass murdered in Iraq War

Detaining immigrant children at the border and warehousing them in border facilities was a big agenda during the Obama administration. He was so determined to end illegal immigration and asylum seekers refuge, that he gave a no bid $1 billion dollar contract in 2016 to the largest private prison corporation in America (Corrections Corporations of America), and this was after he claimed to be ending private prisons.

For the first time in modern American history (Repeat: this was the Obama Administration), the government decides to detain all Central American women and children seeking asylum in the U.S., instead of allowing them to live freely until their days in court. The policy change is intended to send a message to anyone else seeking refuge from a plague of gang violence below our southern border.

And to implement this draconian proposal, the government (Obama Administration) awards a well-connected private prison company with a $1 billion no-bid contract — one that promises to pay the firm $20 million a month, no matter how few migrants its facility is responsible for housing at a given time. Then federal courts rule that this policy of mass detention isn’t actually legal. But the contract is already signed, and so the Corrections Corporation of America collects millions in taxpayer money to maintain a nearly empty detention center.

This may sound like the kind of cruel, incompetent policy-making you’d expect from Donald Trump’s administration. But it’s actually the work of Barack Obama’s. Per the Washington Post: ~ Eric Levitz — NewYork Mag

However, Obama was never attacked by the media nor Hollywood for doing so. Many of these children were alone or being used by people trying to gain access into the US as a parent, but was not. If we have learned anything from Trump’s presidency, it’s the control and power of mainstream media, and how they will do and say any and everything to ensure that their mission to brainwash and control us all is carried out. It was laughable watching over the past week as democrats and former Obama speech writer; John Favreau posted images of children being caged and loudly proclaiming his/their disgust of such images, when in fact the images they were posting were from 2014 during Obama’s administration.

Photo taken in 2014 of Obama’s Immigrant Children Detention Center

Favreau, who has one million followers on Twitter, tweeted on May 27: “Look at these pictures. This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible.”

Favreau included a link to a Arizona Republic story showing a photo of two detainees lying on mats on the ground in a holding cell with the headline “First Glimpse of Immigrant Children at holding facility.” While Favreau has since deleted the tweet, Twitchy and Fox News showed screen grabs.

The photo was taken by Ross D. Franklin of the Associated Press in June 2014 at a Customs and Border Protection Agency center in Nogales, Arizona. The photo was used in an Arizona Republic article which described the migrants as “children in cages.” The newspaper verified the timing of the photo in a tweet.~Amy Sherman — Politifact

It is a fact that Hollywood liberals (along with democratic politicians) are given daily talking points to post on their social media in an attempt to sway the minds of not just the US constituency but the world at large. This new tactic of enlisting celebrities was born out after the media giants and deep state realized they were losing control of the narrative after social media giants like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, gave voices to the voiceless and those of us who were virtually silenced in the past (and that has been changed to ensure it never happens again). People like John Legend, Tiegen, George Takei, and an endless list of others, tweet daily in an effort to control the minds of the weak sheep they know will fall in line. There are also many washed up celebrities who will tweet or say anything anti-Trump in order to get their names in the headlines. David Brock of Media Matters was never held accountable for his paid million dollar trolls who wreaked havoc on anyone on social media who spoke against Queen Hillary…but I digress.

The Democratic Party nor Hollywood elite, gives a damn about immigrant children being snatched from their families, their only agenda now is the control and manipulation of US political system (and minds of the electorate) that enables their continued power and wealth. Immigrants are the new political tool being used to hopefully solidify a win in this years midterms & 2020.

Obama child detention center in 2014 —Yet no Outcry

This article is not to give Trump a pass but to expose the lies and hypocrisy being spilled by liberals and their paid mouthpieces. The fact that liberal media is going all out to perpetrate this story only adds fuel to Trump’s media bias story (and it is true), and also gives fuel to his base for re-election.

Politics is not a sport and there are no teams to root for when it comes to truth and honesty…retreating in your respective corners and rooting for your team even when they are wrong, is why we now have the current border problem. If you weren’t disgusted and disturbed by Obama’s (Coined The Deporter in Chief) deportation policies then you can’t make accuses now why you are about Trump’s. It is clear that mainstream media gave Obama a pass on ALL of his transgressions, there were no drum beats of outrage by Hollywood liberals and 24/7 cable news outlets like CNN and MSNBC. Trump’s only sin is that he was not the chosen candidate for the Deep State, billions had been poured in from around the world to ‘install’ Hillary and that is the real problem at hand, because nothing he has done or doing is new.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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