Lena you don’t know me and don’t you dare jump in my thread telling me what I should say or write. The only people who are weaponizing race are the Democratic Party, using black people and our pain as a weapon to garner their own white supremacist agendas. Also, if you have a problem with my mentioning Kamala’s paternal lineage of slave ownership, you need to take that up with her and her father, he’s the one who bragged about to a Jamaican newspaper; I only reported on the facts…and do NOT make this about me or any other black person, I am NOT running for POTUS and what my family history is has no relevance to this argument. As for Kamala Harris-Emoff’s not being black, you need to take that up with her, she made that clear when asked that she was NEITHER black or Indian…but American.
Kamala “I’m a Proud American” Harris-Emoff, in her own words…
I honestly could give two shits about who and what Kamala calls herself, I see her for who she really is a cop who elevated her career by locking up poor black mothers, black men and poor people. I’m sick of people like you trying to force candidates down our throats because in your mind, they’re black. She’s a horrible person, her policies are horrible and no amount of faux blackness, dancing to Cardi B.’s rachettness is going to change that.
Now get off my page and go thank that your good Judy (white woman) who sent my blog to you; I’m sure this is best education you’ve gotten in a long time.