Lest We Forget: There were FIVE people on the Democratic Party’s Primary Ticket for President and at least FOUR were Democrats…
It’s really pathetic to read all the backpedaling and body morphing that democrats are doing to denounce the revelations (for some) that Donna Brazile exposed on yesterday about the corruption and primary rigging of Hillary and DNC. The new storyline is that Bernie was not a Democrat and was owed no special favors by the Democratic Party. However, putting Bernie aside there were three other people who were undisputably, democrats who were on the ticket. Donna’s story was clear that Hillary and DNC had already made Hillary the nominee and in control of the party long before the primary candidates were even announced. So all of you revisionist history, Hillary & Dem loyalist, who would rather lay down for corruption than stand for truth, you can all stop with the Bernie isn’t a democrat line because there were three others who were definitely democrats who were running.
The level of arrogance, insanity and sheer stupidity that liberals continue to display in their safe spaces and echo chambers are beyond pathetic. It amazes me that Hillary zealots and establishment liberals, seriously believe that they can win by alienating the very people they need to even become viable contenders in 2018 and 2020. This refusal to acknowledge their corruption and flaws are the very reasons they continue to be in shambles. The cultism that is being shown for Hillary and Democratic Establishment is just as dangerous as the fanaticism and racism of the alt-right. The continued use of anti-feminism against Hillary and gender wars to attack any credible criticism of Hillary is shameful, yet these same people made sure to erase the blatant racism that Hillary showed while running against Obama.
“The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”…~Albert Einstein
Democrats can continue to listen to the very people whose overpaid strategies gave us Trump, and we can expect another GOP victory in 2020…hiding behind Russia stole the election lie, is their ‘dog ate my homework’, deflection in order to deny accountability and exposure of the corrupt & corporate owned party that it has become.
Charlie Peach