Liberals Crying for an end to ICE but Not a Word for an end to Police Violence Against Black People!
I don’t think nothing has been more egregious and insulting than watching liberals over the past year spew their love of the FBI when it suited them, raising almost $1 million dollars for a fired FBI agents legal defense, and now ranting about ending ICE because, well you know…Trump. As Black people live in constant fear of police violence and/or murders; Democrats and their celebrity troll armies are using their powers to fight to abolish ICE. There was no laws pushed to end the police violence of Black people that we saw in mass during the Obama administration and continues today. Instead of Obama (who had Black faces all across top law enforcement) fighting to end the systemic violence against us, he wrote love letters to the police, then pushed and signed the Blue Alert Law protecting them.
Liberals and Hollywood have never joined forces with Colin Kaepernick in his push against police violence. There were no loud cacophony of voices and orchestrated daily social media tweets and outbursts to fight for us the way we see it being simultaneously done on a daily basis to fight for immigrants now. There has been no rallying cry to demand any changes or against owners for not hiring Kaepernick, the way we saw when they pushed for LGBT rights within the NFL with Sams. You should ask yourselves why liberals nor Hollywood didn’t go after advertisers and stand with Kaepernick they way so many did to fight for LGBTQ. It’s not rocket science, they won’t go against their corporate owners (and ending the oppression of black people is not the agenda of any of them) and they won’t ever do anything to end the pain of their most loyal voters because otherwise they’d have nothing to hold over their heads as a weapon to rally votes. Democrats, Liberal media and Hollywood are using words like internment and slavery to describe what’s happening at the borders, but ask anything about reparations for Black people and you can hear a pen drop.
I have yet to see Elijah Cummings are John Lewis break down in tears after seeing a little Black boy named Tamir Rice gunned down on a playground by police. I didn’t see liberals, Hollywood celebrities nor Rachel Maddow shed a tear a few weeks ago when a 10 year old Black boy was wrongly stopped, handcuffed and harassed by police, and was in such fear of his life and police that he wet his pants. Where was Time Magazine’s cover that showed the depth of America’s police state against Black people and the trauma it has caused our Black youth?
Atlanta Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottom’s (showing off her Black Girl Magic), announced two days ago that she had signed an order, that ended local jails corporation with ICE and would no longer be accepting detainees. All this while being Black, poor and homeless in Atlanta is an offense punishable by jail, an order that she helped the former Mayor Reed usher into law. In November of last year, a “Homeless Please Help” sign landed a black man in jail for almost 3 months. There has since been a push to end the cash bail system that criminalizes the poor. However, Atlanta should end it’s war on the poor and homeless all together by overturning the horrible pandering law that former Mayor Reed signed into place.
The audacity of liberals to demand any change or end to police systems that solely affects immigrants, while ignoring the decades of Mass Incarceration that has plagued Black communities is outrageous. If liberals are calling for an end to ICE (a program that Bill Clinton created and Hillary as Senator signed to continue), then we should demand an end to the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security. Since liberals love token symbolism, why haven’t they demanded the removal of staunch racist, J. Edger Hoover’s name from the FBI building?
Instead of demanding better of politicians, Black people are allowing this unbelievable con game that’s being put on display. We continue to allow our issues to be drowned out, ignored or used by others as we watch our children suffer in fear and poverty. This entire line of we have to fight for others has grown old, this is the never ending story that is injected in every issue that comes up as we are placed further and further to the back of the bus (metaphor) that we so love lauding Rosa Parks for fighting against. Democrats are proving that had they ever really wanted to end police violence, pipelines to prisons and Mass Incarceration; they could have done so long ago…after all they created it.
Lastly, They care nothing about these children or families, no more than they cared about Flint, Puerto Rico or the next outrage to use to garner fear and votes. We are a lost and pathetic people to continue to fall for these con games being pedaled by liberals, Hollywood and their paid House Negroes.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach