Liberals Raise over $1M for two Fired FBI Agents, while ‘Owning’ the Black Vote…

5 min readAug 15, 2018


There’s an old saying, “If a person shows you who they are, believe them.” It’s really pathetic that African Americans continue to support and vote in lock step for the Democratic Party, when they’ve proven time and time again that they care nothing about our lives, only our votes. We are literally the butt and the joke of both parties, they both profit from our ignorance and demise.

It’s astonishing that Peter Strozk who was just fired last week, has a gofundme account that has already raised over $380,000. It was only a few months ago when liberals also raised over $500,000 for fired FBI agent, McCabe. What’s even more disturbing about both of these cases are not only are they the same institution that has harassed, wrongly accused and imprisoned and targeted Black people for decades, but both of these men are very wealthy already.

What’s interesting about the funds being raised for Strzok is that it originally started out with a $350,000 goal and now has moved to a $500,000 one. What’s also interesting is that liberal social media resistance troll and fraud, Brian Krassenstein is also profiting from it by the thousands…as is pointed out below. The more the goal is raised and the funding is shared, the more monies scam artist, Krassenstein gets.

Liberals are proving who they are and their covert agendas. How two very wealthy white men can get over a million dollars raised for them within hours of their firing, should tell you all you need to know about the so-called ‘resistance’. The above image highlights the laughable hypocrisy and out right lie and praise being lauded in support of Strzok, “A man who has spent his entire life working to help keep us and our nation safe.” This is the ‘resistance’ of the Democratic Party, showing you clearly who they are and who and what they support.

When a poor Black child is murdered by police, it has taken weeks if not months to raise enough money for a decent burial, yet Black people want to believe that liberals give two sh*ts about Black people beyond the voting booth. When Tamir Rice was murdered by police he barely got a few thousand dollars from liberals, yet a dead gorilla (Harambe) few miles away got over $100,000 within hours. The image below and its comparison is shameful, but liberals LOVE Black people. Please notice the difference in funding timelines, liberals raised almost $400,000 for a wealthy white man but a Flint water drive has been going on for over 4 months now and they can’t even raise the $100,000 goal, but again liberals love Black people. When people show you who they are, believe them. #TheResistance

I’ve said repeatedly that if anyone believed that liberal white women were ever actually going to go against their white husbands, in their faux resistance movement, they’re living in serious partisan denial. It’s also naive to believe that white women would in fact create a world that would be hostile to their white sons and their futures. What we’ve been witnessing is a very shrewd con game of bait and switch, liberals switching out white male patriarchal power for that of white female matriarchal. These same women are laughing all the way to their gated suburbs, with their rich white husbands.

Liberals have been on a quest of late in defending the corruption of the FBI, CIA and all sources of US Intelligence, they’re protesting against ICE and demanding that it shutter, yet nowhere in the midst of all of this, have they once demanded an end and/or overhauling of the police state that continues to ravage and destroy the lives of Black people. However, what they’ve consistently done was create policies to not only protect police but also made them a protective class. When people show you who they are, believe them.

Another fraud ‘resistance’ liberal favorite is Amy Siskind, who rants and tweets all day against Trump and liberals love it. Yet most Black people don’t realize who she really is, and most Black people don’t know or remember the PUMA (Party Unity My Ass) crowd of racist white liberals who were angry that Obama had defeated their Queen, Hillary. PUMA’s are the real faces behind the ‘resistance’.

This young lady Diane, has eloquently captured Amy’s tweets and her fraud identity and hypocrisy.

I will repeat, these white liberals are only interested in the rise of white female matriarchy and they’ve used Black women under the guise of feminism to push that agenda.

This display of the white liberal, resistance, pussyhat crowd, is exactly the reasons that a white latino republican like Ana Navarro is now being praised on the left by liberals. Ana’s only issue with Trump like Amy’s with Obama, was that her preferred republican and racist didn’t make it to the White House. Ana’s father was the head of a Nicaraguan Gorilla faction that mass murdered thousands with the help of the CIA. Her father worked covertly with then CIA head George Bush, Sr., and because of his role with working with the CIA, was given safe passage to the USA, with their stolen money and a child named Ana. They then laundered this stolen money in slumlord hotel properties in Florida. This was when and how the Bush Family relationship was forged, and how Ana became the mouthpiece for all things Bush.

Lastly, white women liberals have successfully used Black women and feminism to make themselves victims and also a protected class, along with rich white LGBTQ, and Obama was the ultimate Manchurian candidate to make this all possible. And Black women who love to brag about being the backbone of the Democratic Party, who still make less than white women and white men, who still witness daily a Black son, father or daughter being murdered by police, while democrats cry about ICE but silent on police, only have themselves to blame. I will repeat this until I see a real shift and change, Black people need to wake up from this Rip Van Winkle nightmare of political control. It’s really unconscionable that Black people would still be supporting liberals as they show undying love and support for the FBI or any US Intelligence and/or police systems. The Democrats have shown us repeatedly who they are, when will we believe them?

From Russia With Love,





Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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