LOL A troll who created an account to write this response is the same troll that I chose to block…and that chic (who is clearly your pathetic ass) who is suppose to be a writer doesn’t even have 100 followers, you can miss me with her/you tearing me apart lie. I don’t need likes when I got almost 10K views & 95% of those were applause & support, it’s not about the comments boo.
NEWSFLASH: I NEVER called Angela bi-racial, I know the coon is black, I called her a MULATTO, in an attempt to mock her for the type of black woman she really is and who sees other black women of darker hugh and nappy hair as beneath her…ALL facts, Angela went to an all girls white high school, she’s gives too shits abt black women…and everyone that I know who know her personally agrees on what a nasty and elitist woman she is…and I will be jealous or envious of Angela when she does something that’s not elevating white supremacy for pay! What’s laughable is your inability to grasp the intent of the article all while supporting and accepting the bullying and cooning of Angela Rye…wrong is wrong no matter who it’s against, no one with an ounce of self respect or intellect, watching that interview should have found it acceptable…and since you did, it’s clear Angela Rye has once again hit her target…the target of manipulating the poor, uneducated, dumb & dumber of Black America…