LOL, If you knew about me you’d know this isn’t the thread for you…if you have so much respect for Oprah, you shld ask her why she worked to destroy Monique, another black woman who refused to tow the line of white supremacists…or perhaps you shld ask Oprah why was she accused by her own girls school in Africa for turning her back on years of sexual assaults, rapes etc., and only intervened when it became national news…or perhaps you shld ask your friend why, she said black girls in USA weren’t worthy of her monies in building a school here… It’s only fitting that Oprah would be awarded the Cecile B. DeMille award, hell they gave it to sexual predator Woody Allen in 2014, lol…yes, it’s Y.O.U. who we all see…FYI: Why don’t you sue me for the DeMille family and get out of my comments?…